Congratulations you have killed the club to the stage where nobody actually gives a **** that we have lost again. Do us a favour, when Mr Struber goes to New York, **** off with him!!
No they haven’t. I care we have lost. And so do you, otherwise you wouldn’t be posting in such an angry tone. They can sell and **** off if they want though. Problem being nobody would buy us for what they’d want for the club.
There was a time when a post like that would have had dozens of responses telling you to **** right off etc. I suspect the way things are, your views are probably being viewed far more sympathetically now. I, for one, checked a couple of time on here and the BBC website and seeing the score and comments. Honestly I did not feel anything. No anger, frustration disappointment. Nothing!! After decades of following Barnsley I think I may have come to the end of a long road!
Give me the names of a few viable buyers....... Yup, there aren’t any. Give me the names of some dodgy Far East Buyers like who bought Wigan.... quite a few I imagine. The grass isn’t always greener - be careful what you wish for..... Right now, being financially prudent in the EFL is what is needed. If we can sign somebody for decent money, then fine. But I don’t want the club breaking the bank.
I absolutely despise when people say our board have 'killed our club'. I get we're **** at the minute and I get the new owners aren't everyone's cup of tea, but our club is far from dead, or dying. Just ask the fans of Macclesfield, Bury, Chester etc etc. And it's certainly nowhere near as bad as it was in 2002. Some people have very short memories.
So we just sit back and watch the team sink like the titanic even though 2 managers have told them the players we have are dog *****?
Luton Town - Fan owned and not a penny to scratch their arse with but roll us over every time and had a great start?
Let's be reight, there probably aren't any viable buyers. But it doesn't mean that we can't criticise the current owners for the current state of on the field affairs.
It may not be dying but it's trying it's best to catch something nasty and end up dead the board are in very dangerous territory at the minute no fans in the ground and when it does open up again people will need to want to return at the moment I only see reasons to stay away.
Luton town? Supporters own a very very small %. club with debts and interests rates above and beyond base rates all payable by club, not a great example to be fair.
If you think this current board are tight, I’d love to see what you think if Barnsley Fans owned it. We’d be buying kit from the market and making our own sandwiches and pies. Seriously though. Let’s just be grateful we’re not a Bury, Wigan, Bolton or Macclesfield. I know it’s rough at the minute, but it could be worse - having major debt building up with no fans etc
Don't get me wrong that's only the second game I've watched fully since March and it was poor. The thing is the manager or managers have got to take some blame as have the owners and players.Spending money isn't always the answer, ask forest.Struber was God in August but as we all know realistically he was a very lucky man and these four league games have shown it. As for the owners I have not got a clue as to the transfer discussions between them and struber and just hope and think they will do their best for the club. PS didn't the 2 managers sign these so called dog ****players.
A few bad results doesn't mean we're going to sink through the divisions though does it. I agree, we need players, but I also don't want them to spend far beyond our means, at a time where money is at a premium already, and cause us the same financial strife that we had 18 years ago. If anything, they're doing the opposite of 'killing the club'. But as I say, short memories.
Criticise yes, telling them to f-off with Struber is just daft, in my opinion. I share the frustration, but i also look around other clubs and think we could be in a lot worse position. I’m looking at the long term picture.
The club is in a healthier state than many, but things are still a bit of a mess. Owners squabbling in court, anorher manager leaving knowing he can't compete at this level with the resources on offer and threats to move away from the town. All sounds pretty shambolic to me...