Nahh then lass, I've got rid of my Mazda2, so that's enough about that particular car ehh, isn't it. But hey I really like the dog threads that you do on here, they are lovely. And I wondered if you've seen these videos, of the young American lass who grooms them. Just look at this vid, where she sorts out this lovely fluffy boy.
What a lovely bear dog!! No, I hadn’t see her before so thank you for that. My Mazda 2 is still plodding on but the air con has gone so I’m sweltering a bit this week. Not sure if it’s worth replacing when the car’s so old and we have so few hot days.
It will probably just need regassing. Had to do my old Mazda 3 years ago. Not that expensive if I remember rightly although it was about 9 years ago
I checked that but it’s showing zero on the gauge and the canister was very clear that it should not be regassed in that case as there is a most likely a leak.
Grooming (pets) is big business these days, and I think it's important to start this with the dog as soon as possible. Because in later years, some of them don't take very well to strangers lol. And as for the Mazda2 car, I've gone up in the world, and have now got a Ford Focus.
Nahh then, here's some more fluffy doogie tom foolery. (and I hope she didn't mind what I said before, I think she's Canadian actually!!.)