Why would that be inaccurate? Also it'd have to be wildly, incredibly inaccurate for the illustrated trend to be wrong. But you know better than a sample of thousands of people based on your hunch and supposition? OK boomer.
Why would they? Yes they will if that's the stipulation. The West Indian and Pakistan teams that came over here had to quarantine. The english players (and all the others) have had to quarantine prior to playing in the Indian premier league.
no explanation needed. The irony being you’ve had your reasons to vote leave debunked and proven that it’s our government who your ire should have been directed at. Yet you still refuse to see it. That’s strange. but it’s done now, I hope you aren’t left in 3 years time wondering why nothing has changed and wondering why they are still lying to you.
That's not going to change though, is it? There's still going to be 90 days visa-free travel in the UK for EU citizens post-Brexit, the same as today.
V true, but 90 days travel is somewhat different to rocking up with your extended family to set u home here
Thank you for your, I’m sure entirely genuine, concern. At future elections I will have the means to hold the government to account, and to vote for the party I most prefer and trust to implement what I believe to be in my interests and those of the wider UK.
The amount of people who still haven't a clue what they actually voted for in the referendum is astounding.
True, there were folk on here convinced that the only eu laws we abided by were laws on food colourings
But what if there isn’t another election? For example, what if the country is being run by a dictatorship of two people. What if one is widely accepted to be a liar and narcissist who even the Tory press have rumbled as being incompetent. And what if the other, the one in real control, isn’t even a member of the Tory Party at all but a revolutionary, intent on destroying parliament, the law and democracy. And when he’s done that what’s to stop them introducing new laws and emergency measures that mean there are no more elections. What then? Not saying it is happening but you know….
I know what you mean, I voted for Brexit and wish I hadn’t now. Don’t know how we’re going to carry on when the sky falls in, the sun stops shining, there’s no food in the supermarkets and we are living like it’s 1920 instead of 2020. Scary!!!
No, no. There hasn’t been a press release. Re-read carefully. I said ‘what if...’ You know, like what if this dictatorship changed the law and then decided there wouldn’t be any more elections. Bit like Stalin did.
Apologies, I'd missed that on the office website. Only Australians are currently allowed in (and air/ship crew and diplomats) - and they have to quarantine for 14 days including 2 tests. So as it stands, the English cricket team is not allowed into Australia to play in the Ashes this year.
Elections, local elections, by-elections and recall petitions are all currently suspended by the COVID 2020 regulations until next year. If the situation does not change, that will be extended. Boris is likely to quit in January/February or be ousted by the Tories in February/March next year - they would do it now if they thought they could avoid the Brexit "issues" or the second COVID wave.