More an observational commentator is Smithy boy and more than ready to laugh again when covid naffs off
I’m blaming autocorrect for that one. Should have just put The Big Yin instead Ps good job I reread before posting as it had changed big to bug!
Alan Simpson and Ray Galton, who created "Hancock's Half-Hour" and "Steptoe And Son", were great comic writers. Hancock, Kenneth Williams, Leonard Rossiter, Ronnie Barker great comic actors.
Once saw Eddie Izzard at the Red Rose Labour club in Finsbury Park, early 90s. Funniest thing I ever saw live. The late, great Sean Hughes was on the same bill. My local MP was in the audience too. A splendid chap named Jeremy Corbyn. Who’s not very funny, but tries his best.
The Red Rose Club was brilliant. & just around the corner from us. Sean did his vegetarian thing & had me In stitches. Even though he was taking the piss.
Saw Billy Connelly at the Civic in the 80’s(?) . We were right at the back and couldn’t pick up much that he said with him s strong accent. By far the closest to genius I have watched/read is Spike Milligan. His war memoirs are outstanding. Once saw a tribute to him hosted by Eddie Izzard which was really good.
Frank Randle, Les Dawson, Victoria Wood, Julie Walters, Peter Kay. All cut from the same cloth, shaped by their experiences and able to get them across to the audience in amazingly funny ways. Best comedy Film actor (British). Peter Sellers by a mile. Best British comedy writer. David Nobby. I thought his TV was funny but his books are on another level.
Not a person as such, although Humphrey Lyttleton was fantastic, but pretty much any episode of I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue. Loads of episodes on YouTube, cheered me up no end early on in lockdown
Most top class comedians had very good fall guys who were just as funny take Phill Silvers with Benny, Dell boy with Trigger, Benny Hill with Irish and one for the older posters Hilda Baker with Cynthia.
Kenneth Williams and Charles Hawtry. I only ever have to see a pic of either one and I'm already grinning like a Cheshire cat.
I watched a couple of Julian Clary gigs on youtube the other night. They were hilarious. Bill Hicks and George Carlin were good too.