This is exactly the point and why you can tell she's being orchestrated if not manipulated. The enviro facist movement haven't put up Greta as a front man by accident. just look at Emma Thompson when she stood up to be counted - immedeatley shot down.. No it's a child with autism and national treasure David Attenborough- people beyond reproach. And these crusaders don't offer solutions by accident either. They only say it's the government and business - it's their fault. Only say we should stop doing something - they dont' say what we shoudl do instead. It's for business to maintain our lifestyles, with Caribean holidays - Star fruit and mangos in teh supermarkets, Iphones and central heating and as many children as we wish to produce. But big bad business has to come up with the solutions - as to how we can do this - and feed and clothe everyone - without any impact on the orangutans and whales. And the envirofacists can sit there criticising not only the the efforts but also the solutions and the results - and in a stroke of genius they also stay immune from criticism over the negative consequences that the restriction of freedoms to achieve these result manifest.
Accusing someone who is part of a system they are trying to change of being a "hypocrite": 1. Nothing would ever change, no end of slavery, no freedoms for many countries ("Gandhi studied law in London the bloody hypocrite!", etc,etc.) 2. charges of hypocrisy do not invalidate the truth or not of the argument being given - it is a type of ad hominem logical fallacy see: 3. I genuinely think that much of the uproar is down to the following:- a) she's young. b) she's a she. I don't hear many of her detractors coming back with facts, just personal insults.
You keep calling them "fascists" I believe they want to raise world awareness of the devastating effect of climate change and bring pressure to bear on those countries who are mass producers of uncontrolled pollution. I don't think they want to invade Poland and kill all the Jews
In my case you are very wrong as to why I have criticised her. A perfect illustration of how the real message gets lost. It's nothing to do with her age or gender. She seems to encourage vitriol at older generations and encourages rebellious behaviour. I would agree it is the perogative of younger generations to rebel. I also think the climate change message is getting drown out in a backlash against "wokeness". To reverse climate change quickly would involve us going back to some sort of iteration of medieval times, which isn't going to happen. What we can do is start by tackling the most egregious pollutors and working down until science catches up. The clue is in the name, global warming is a global problem. The UK could lead but we actually want to? Eg. Ban all imports made using fossil fuels (and child labour while we're at it) ban all imports from Brazil until they stop de-forrestation etc. That's stuff like it's going to take. I'd respect her more if she accused China, urged us all to boycott them and stamped on her iPhone, but asking a teenager to do that is like her asking us to give up driving
What? the respect that it's not on a black ,white and red flag and not shaped like a swastika in any way other than it incorporates a cross
It reminds you of a swastika? Interesting. It reminds me of a timer surrounded by the in time running out for our planet (and this is the first time I have ever seen it)
I think some people want her to get two tin cans and communicate using extremely long pieces of string. What does she actually SAY that's wrong? Please inform me. I'm an ignorant soul on many issues.
At the end of the day we ve benefitted from the industrial revolution in this country and it seems somewhat hypocritical to stop China and Brazil.from doing the same. Not sure of the solution but getting all vitriolic about a young girl who wants a better future for the planet isnt it.
- a backlash against "wokeness" - that's not her fault that old white men don't like change - the message is pretty clear to me, if they don't like the message engage with the argument. The Chinese government is well aware of the unsustainability of their polluting - the smog afterall kills their own people and reduces everyones quality of life. They are spending more money on Green energy then pretty much the rest of the planet put together - "there's' no point because of China" is not only a cop-out its just a theme on the same old anti-Chinese Western propaganda.
almost like the media orchestrated a smear campaign against her and the unenlightened jumped on the bandwagon because it was a bandwagon while the billionaires with the most to lose rubbed their hands together with glee.....
Not seen grown men get so hot under the collar about a teenage lass since the Sun ran a countdown to Charlotte Church's 16th birthday so they could print more suggestive pictures of her
I fully agree with her message but at the same time I think she (and others) would be wise to try not to demonise the wrong people. The attitude that everyone above their generation is to blame is wrong, it should be both a message to ALL people especially the youth that you don't need this luxury and that luxury and that making small changes together has a big impact as well as a message to the public that with our help she/they can force legislation changes and force governments and big companies to do much much more. "We children are doing this to wake the adults up" I'm sorry Greta but adults are awake, that's why adults have pioneered energy saving measures for decades and that's why you now have led light bulbs, thermostats on every radiator, timers everywhere, solar power, electric vehicles etc. This shouldn't be a war between children and adults it should be a war between everyone and big businesses and governments. Fully agree with her main point though and I'm glad she's got the balls to stand up for it whether it's led by her parents or not.