Not saying I’m not romantic but I’ve always despised Valentine’s Day, much the same as Mother’s Day Father’s Day, son with one leg day, they are just a con all design to profiteer Card companies ! This year will be different no doubt I for one didn’t even realise it was the godforsaken day until it was mentioned on Look North last night! Anyway my plans get her out of the house to the in-laws, watch match with a few IPA’s and eat snacks such as pistachios, Camembert, scampi fries etc until she’s back and joint has gone int t’oven then move onto a deep port or some Sloe Gin. P.S. dunt let her see this I’ve already garage to tidy, bathroom to clean and stairs to hoover.
Enjoy your day! Because there's not much else to do to cheer us in Lockdown I've succumbed to the adverising and as a household will be decorating with hearts and candles and enjoying the M&S offer. Shrove Tuesday next celebration!
Apparently!y in France Pancake day is always the 2nd of Feb and as that is a significant personal date to me in going to adopt that custom too. I love pancakes and the dog has one with bovril.
Well it's either three quid from Clintons or 49p from Card Factory. The latter and I can afford to buy her a balloon.
We’ve gone with the Waitrose version of the dine in for £20 thing. It’s closer than M&S since they closed our food hall and they had a bit more choice.