Sat in the home end as I couldn't get tickets after the now infamous ticketing debacle! What a day! Never had so much fun as I had on the Monday after in work! one kid came up to me on the Friday saying they'd 'smoke us' in the game! He was the first one I waited for as they came into school- lol
Babel had us on toast that game, but we grew into it when he was taken off. Was lucky enough to be in that away end, never known an atmosphere like it - and my mug could be seen on the season tickets for the next few seasons as that's where the cover photo came from!
Don Rowing maths. 8,000 tickets and 6,000 STHs so I don't think they will sell out so two tickets allowed per STH.
I once saw a great video from within the away end where we’re all singing the tune of Ring of Fire, because we’d held them to a draw, then we all shout penalty, they we all start going mental at the ref, then we just go mental! It’s moments like those that make up for all the years of dross we’ve had to put up with. But you see what you’ve done now. First I had a warm glow and was going to look for the Jeff Stelling/Matthew Le Tissier “Martin Atkinson, you bottled it” video, but before I’ve even got that far I’m now miserable, cos I have always wanted us to get to the FA Cup Final and never thought it would happen, but that year I thought my dream was going to come true. We’ll never have a better chance of winning the damn thing. It was years before I brought myself to watch Odejayi’s miss again, convincing myself it can’t possibly be as bad as I remembered. It was, and I’ve never watched it since. The funny thing was, a few nights later at Watford he went through in an identical situation. We thought surely he’s not gonna go for the near post again. He didn’t. Row Z! He did go on to score 2 goals though, but why couldn’t he have scored a few days earlier?? I wouldn’t have really cared if we got thrashed in the final, I just used to watch all the Cup Final shows when I was a kid - Cup Final Question of Sport, Cup Final It’s a Knockout - and listened to the Cup Final songs, and watched the reporter on the team coach and I used to wish it could be us one day. I know that the Cup had lost all that by 2008, but I didn’t care. I’d rather see us win the Cup than get back into the Premiership.
I was convinced our name was on the cup that year, said to my brother if we beat Cardiff it's ours no matter who we got in the final. Horrible feeling walking out of Wembley that day, one of dejection and also pride on how we had got so far and who we had beaten on the way
I think I watched about 5 minutes of the build up to the final, and switched off when the Cardiff manager said they’d put the romance back into the cup. Guessing they thought they’d done that by beating the team that knocked half of the then big 4 out.
I've been to Anfield twice. One was League Cup in 1982, I think... 0-0. Rumoured to be 19k Barnsley fans at that. I went as an 17 year old on a coach from a pub on Summer Lane from memory. We got in just before half time. Some coaches were bricked. Other was the win in the Premier League. Lars Leese's miracle game, 1997. I wasn't at the FA cup win in 2008. My best mate, who was there, Mark Ellis died the next day. That win always is dedicated to him. I was DJing in Glasgow that day. That one sticks in my throat for joy & pain.
I watched it on the beam back down at oakwell. For some reason I kept the beam back ticket for years. Watched it with a friend who is no longer with us and my best mate who's a Liverpool fan. Crazy day.