Where've you heard that rumour? I'm usually on the ball with these things but I've not heard anything about this. I bet the silly sods tried blaming everything on the club for why he left hasn't he
Not having that hecky making excuses up to put himself in a better position to get a new job surely not....
Sir Heckingbottom would never ever do a silly thing like doing a podcast that puts his hometown club in a bad light ME THINKS IT'S FAKE
He didn't go suggesting selling off all our best players and replace them with inferior lower league players was a factor did he?
About the Leeds owner ‘it’s his club he can do what he wants’ About Cryne ‘he sold my players, forced me into the job, underpaid me, made me work too hard’
No mention from him that Patrick had told him to enjoy and savour the promotion as success can be fleeting? Seems ph has an ability to focus purely on negatives and forget the positives. No wonder his players in the last months of his tenure were brow beaten into fear and indecision.
Did this end in them having their hands on their hips? . . . A little step to the side? Heckenfurter doing the Crynewarp?
Hecky done a podcast, yes, Lord; Hecky done a podcast, yes, my Lord; Hecky done a podcast, yes, Lord! The moans keep a-coming thought the pain has gone!