Always was my favourite game on them pub quiz machines. 1) HEX appeal 2) Pints make Prizes 3) 100 to 1 4) Million Pound Drop 5) Spot the difference
Spot the Difference was a proper scam. as soon as any money became available you had a grand total of 2.7 seconds to find 83 differences.
Pints make Prizes was like that. The categories were things like 'Premier league football teams', 'items in the kitchen', 'European countries'. Once you'd got a pound in your sights, the categories would suddenly jump to, 'cartoon jellyfish names', 'big brother contestants', 'Welsh Town names'.
Nuts was a brilliant pub quiz game. The fact I enjoyed playing it was definitely nothing to do with the scantily clad ladies adorned across the screen.......... honest!
Oh, and Mr Paparazzi! You'd have to guess pictures of famous people. It'd start off with Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt to lure you in. And when you had the chance to win a quid, the picture would be of someone really obscure. For a pound, name this plumber from Darlington.
As a slight aside, if anyone who likes arcade thingies and hasn't visited the Retrodome in town (opposite Morrisons) do yourself a favour and go. My mate owns it. Full of old school arcade games. Pay in and all free play. There's a bar and do snap. Highly recommended.
My mates were stupidly good at that game. I would barely recognise a photo of the Queen I'm so indifferent to famous people but they would see the edge of one nostril and be like 'oh, it X's sister's niece off that program that aired once and was immediately axed'.
Keep meaning to give it a go and then forgetting when I have some free time. I'm sure I'll love it if I ever make it there.