I was there 62-67. Spot Avery, Jack Livesey, Norman Goddard, Dicky Pym, Goodman, Bacon , Barraclough, Jarvis were some of the teachers then.
1959-1964. Left aged 16. I feel lucky to have attended a pretty good grammar school. Shame it is now dust.
I was there 1948 - 1953 ish. A great school. And remember all the teachers mentioned above and some great lads. And knew a Raymond Johnson someone mentioned. Which makes me 82.
Yes I knew Raymond. We were in the same form. He was a pal of Charlie Kendrick and Ian Lunn. Who was a cousin of Idris Lunn whom I boxed within weeks of arriving at the school. And remember Alan Nutter etc and wonder what became of them.
Yeah, that's him. He passed away early last year after a battle with dementia, unfortunately, but was always proud of his boxing days to the end...
I notice a few people on this thread went there for 5 years back in the 50s and 60s. Given that secondary school education was only extended to age 16 in the 70s (my elder sister, born in 54, only did 4 years at Longcar Central in the 60s if I remember right) was a grammar school education normally one year longer than in secondary moderns? Are there people on here who only did 4 years at non-grammar schools in Barnsley or elsewhere back then, leaving at 15?
It was probably down to whether or not you wanted to pursue your education to GCE 'O' Level which were sat at age 16. The assumption being that if you were at Grammar School you would sit for 'O' Levels. I seem to remember there were CSEs for people who were at Secondary Moderns, could you sit for these at age 15? You were right the school leaving age for all pupils wasn't raised to 16 until 1973.
Sorry to hear that. I remember him vividly. Black hair and with an engaging personality. Always with a pugnacious streak. Which I always understood as a boxer myself and continued into later life. Do you know of any of the others whom I recollect were mainly Worsbrough lads?
I don't know any of them off the top of my head, but I imagine the Lunn lads were relatives of our as my Nan's(Raymond's mum) maiden name was Lunn. I've got my mother to ask her other brothers about them, as they were all from that area(Bank End).
I was there from 1968 and left in 1975. And just lost one of my best mates and old school mate in August - for those of you who may have known him, he was Gary Sharp (Duncan Sharp's son).