If anyone is interested in it and how it happened and how survivors have coped 50 years on. There is a program on BBC 1 Scotland tonight at 10.30. I can remember listening to the radio and hearing the horror unfold.
Really? New Year’s Day game Rangers v Celtic. Crowd exiting from stairway 13 and everyone tumbled and got crushed. Ended with 66 deaths. Absolute tragedy.
yes honestly had not ,70s was a good time in some ways , but health and safety not part of it sadly as this proved
that day at Rotherham in 1981, linked to match put on youtube, if the walls had collapsed in the lane we was all squashed into, would have been carnage my feet never touched the floor all way along it
I have the same memories of that lane as you. I literally didn’t touch the floor over a distance of 10 or so yards. I’d be about 15 at the time (think it was a cup tie night game) and my face was pressed into the middle of someone’s back. Truly frightening at the time. I was 17 by the time of the 81 game and a bit taller and stronger by then! Still a scary experience though.
I was there with my parents too that day. It was a nightmare wasn't it. An accident waiting to happen. Never went to Rotherham away again after that.
There's an article on BBC news about it. Story based on 8 boys from same village the 5 Rangers fans died. Tragic. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/B0cJMZS3B1/Fiveboys
Ian, I went to a match at Ibrox about a year after the disaster. The steps looked fearsome steep. There was nobody on them but the knowlege of what happened there just hung in air around the place. I went to watch Partick with a mate who played for Cambus Laing. I stayed with him down the Byers Road.
Stick a link on if at all possible Ian. I've recently watched Bradford, Hillsboro and Heisel ones. Cheers fella
I was too young to remember this happening at the time, but read about it years ago, truly horrific. I'll watch it on iPlayer if it's available
I remember the news programs at the time showing the stairways at the back of the stand with all the bent barriers. I remember thinking about it whilst getting out of Millmoor in 1981.....
My uncle from Wolverhampton had flown to Glasgow to spend the new year with us. When we took him back to Glasgow for his flight we had to pass Ibrox on the way. Saw all the twisted crush barriers. Dreadful horrible scene. I was 14 at the time and my memory of it is still vivid.
Just watched it on iPlayer. I remember it happening and seeing the pictures of the stairway. The fact that there had been problems before on that stairway shows the way fans were treated, as little was done and what was done seems to have made it worse. Respect to the fan who keeps the memorial clean.