-History, DNA, linguistics, archaeology prove it's the land of the Jewish people -Palestine is a made up word from a Roman Emperor -Palestine was never a real country or kingdom just the name of a region -Most of "British Mandate Palestine" became Jordan, an Arab Muslim state -Israel is not the first place invaded by Islam, they colonized most of the middle east and North Africa but no one seems to talk about it -"From River to the Sea" 100% calls for ethnic cleansing of Jewish people This is what some of you are supporting. https://www.hamas-massacre.net/ Israel is a multiracial society where the Arabic language is protected, where the Arabic population continues to increase, where the Arabic people of both genders have countless more freedoms than in Arabic countries.. But some of you have been brainwashed to think supporting terrorists is okay. Supporting the people that partied in the streets when 9/11 happened is okay. The people who's protests include holding up Nazi signs, disrupting elderly folks in the UK handing out poppies and so on. Israel has the right to defend itself from terrorism. Yes wars are bad, yes peace is good but if you were in charge of anywhere your country probably would've been wiped out quickly. If you hate me for supporting Israel I don't care, I will die on this hill. Obviously I don't condone civilians caught in things or IDF soldiers acting in certain ways and I hope Palestine supporters don't support the r*pe, murder massacres and suicide bombing that routinely happen. However, most things in life are shades of grey rather than black and white but this one, much less so. Israel is, was and always will be the land of the Jewish people. I have Jewish friends, teachers, Muslim friends and am probably much more researched on this than a lot of you who have probably never even met a Jewish person but what do I know I'm just a god bothering dumb yank. God is Zionist. Pray that they will defeat terrorism and the colonizers. PEACE. For a more complete video
There is literally no evidence that god exists. Please don’t ask me to accept genocide in the name of something that doesn’t exist, then end with the word peace. I reject all forms of murder and all forms of religion.
Throwing the word genocide around doesn't make it true.. Except ofcourse if you reverse the context as they literally want to genocide the Jews and most of them are taught holocaust denial and much worse things. Whereas in Israel like I pointed out, the Arabic population has INCREASED over the years.
Aside from near the end I pretty much kept God out of it. I pointed to history, DNA, linguistics and archaeology. The native Hebrew language being just one example, an older language than Arabic.
Just a couple of points you need to bear in mind: Modern Britain is an overwhelmingly atheist / secular country. Bringing "god" into any sort of rational debate is likely to bring you very short shrift from even the most polite and tolerant members of this board, me included. And by that I don't mean points about religious history, which are perfectly valid. I mean statements such as "god is a Zionist", when the majority of people on here don't even believe that god exists. Finding Netenyahu and his government abhorrent is not anti-Semitic, in the same way that supporting Palestinian civilians is in no way the equivalent of supporting the terrorist acts of Hamas. It's not a zero-sum game.
‘God is Zionist’ - yes, that suggests you to be giving a balanced argument - and the post is signed off by a video of ‘the real history of Israel’ - produced by who? and to what end? Definitely a balanced and fair reflection. No doubt at all… Sharing propaganda doesn’t make it - or you - right. You can ‘die on that hill’. And don’t get me started on the air of superiority in your assumption you know best and will have done more research. Quick note - if you do your ‘research’ in places which all have the same agenda, you’ll always reach the same conclusion… You are supporting a regime that is committing genocide and war crimes. You are, presumably, doing so having fallen for the rhetoric spouted by mass media on the subject, something I know to be even stronger in the US than it is the U.K. And you are beyond the pale in suggesting anyone in here is supporting Hamas. Not one person has supported their acts of terrorism and violence. Criticising Israel for their vile actions does not equate to supporting Hamas and terror. It really isn’t a case of one side or the other for me or most posters in the other thread. It’s a case of not supporting mass murder by either party. This post of yours, which I hadn’t seen or read, proves every word in the post i put in response to you on the other thread on this matter.
It's just funny how people seem to zero in on my God line rather than everything else. No love for the Amazigh people, Berbers, Persians, Assyrians or so many others that were COLONIZED by Islam.
Hmmm... I always think that Matt Johnson nailed it in 'Armageddon Days (are here again)' Islam is rising The Christians mobilizing The world is on its elbows and knees It's forgotten the message and worships the creeds If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today He'd be gunned down cold by the C.I.A. Oh, the lights that now burn brightest behind stained glass Will cast the darkest shadows upon the human heart But God didn't build himself that throne God doesn't live in Israel or Rome God doesn't belong to the Yankee dollar God doesn't plant the bombs for Hezbollah God doesn't even go to church And God won't send us down to Allah to burn God will remind us what we already know That the human race is about to reap what it's sown
You seem to forget ( intentionally or not) that the God of Islam is the same God as the Zionists worship and the same God that Christians worship. What makes you think God is on the side of the Zionists?
It is absolutely not the same, please don't talk about things where you are out of your depth. I will give you this and engage with you no further.
What proportion of the world was colonised by Christians? You live in a country colonised by Europeans who have totally obliterated the original religions of its native people.
You're missing my point, and yet validating it at the same time. It was simply an observation that the "god" line is a sure fire way of people not taking anything you write very seriously.
Exactly, people talk about European colonization particularly British and French but Arabic colonization is right up there. Guess it doesn't fit certain agendas?