Unfortunately Israel wants to be a Western Civilisation. That doesn't sit well in that neck of the woods. The resolution is too barbaric to contemplate.
Some of the footage is beyond horrific. Worryingly some seem to be justifying these atrocities, or apportioning blame to Israel for these sick acts of terrorism.
The Israeli regime has murdered, raped, and imprisoned innocent Palestinian civilians with impunity every day this year and nobody in the west has batted an eyelid. Bloodshed today was wrong, but bloodshed every day is wrong, and when you're being ethnically cleansed and the world ignores you - you might snap. It's a horrific situation, but you can't claim it's a black and white situation with Israel being innocent victims and Palestinians brutish terrorists.
UNs own numbers have over 3000 Palestinians dead since 2008 compared to 300 Israelis. Clearly any death is too many but it's also clear some lives are cheaper than others to the west because the outrage only goes in one direction. Maybe if they looked more like us and had a yellow and blue flag, eh?
If a measure of a "western civilisation" is to invade, kill and occupy land that doesn't belong to you, then Israel is showing it's capable of matching its western counterparts. Wouldn't you agree?
Palestinians lived on land occupied by the British until the end of WW11 when it was then divided up and land agreed for both Israel and Palestinians. Since then Israel has continued to take, occupy and build on land that is under international law, Palestinian. This has led to a resistance by the Palestinian people, who have been continually forced into smaller and smaller areas of land, notably reducing access to natural fresh water supplies and agricultural land. Israel has been armed by the US and others whilst large numbers of Palestinian people have been forced into refugee camps and are unable to trade or bring in goods without the permission of the Israeli government who control access to medicines, etc. Walls have been built to keep the people of Gaza inside unless you have permission to leave via the authorised permit. This is essentially no different to Russia occupying parts of Ukraine, like Crimea. Nobody argues Ukrainians don't have the right to remove Russians from their land with force, or carry out attacks in Russia as part of their attempts to do so. Palestinian resistance fighters don't have access to hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign military equipment to drop bombs, fire tank shells or unleash bullets from helicopter gunships, so like in all assymetric warfare they use what they have. It's sickening yet oddly amusing to see western politicians, media and people on the internet flipflop depending on who is invading and occupying which bit of land. International law needs to be reinstated and Israeli government needs to leave land that under that law does not belong to them. Until that happens this will continue and people will continue to needlessly die.
Sam Harris: The truth is that there is an obvious, undeniable, and hugely consequential moral difference between Israel and her enemies. The Israelis are surrounded by people who have explicitly genocidal intentions towards them. The charter of Hamas is explicitly genocidal. It looks forward to a time, based on Koranic prophesy, when the earth itself will cry out for Jewish blood, where the trees and the stones will say “O Muslim, there’s a Jew hiding behind me. Come and kill him.” This is a political document. We are talking about a government that was voted into power by a majority of Palestinians. The discourse in the Muslim world about Jews is utterly shocking. Not only is there widespread Holocaust denial—there’s Holocaust denial that then asserts that we will do it for real if given the chance. The only thing more obnoxious than denying the Holocaust is to say that it should have happened; it didn’t happen, but if we get the chance, we will accomplish it. There are children’s shows in the Palestinian territories and elsewhere that teach five-year-olds about the glories of martyrdom and about the necessity of killing Jews. And this gets to the heart of the moral difference between Israel and her enemies. And this is something I discussed in The End of Faith. To see this moral difference, you have to ask what each side would do if they had the power to do it. What would the Jews do to the Palestinians if they could do anything they wanted? Well, we know the answer to that question, because they can do more or less anything they want. The Israeli army could kill everyone in Gaza tomorrow. So what does that mean? Well, it means that, when they drop a bomb on a beach and kill four Palestinian children, as happened last week, this is almost certainly an accident. They’re not targeting children. They could target as many children as they want. Every time a Palestinian child dies, Israel edges ever closer to becoming an international pariah. So the Israelis take great pains not to kill children and other noncombatants. What do we know of the Palestinians? What would the Palestinians do to the Jews in Israel if the power imbalance were reversed? Well, they have told us what they would do. For some reason, Israel’s critics just don’t want to believe the worst about a group like Hamas, even when it declares the worst of itself. We’ve already had a Holocaust and several other genocides in the 20th century. People are capable of committing genocide. When they tell us they intend to commit genocide, we should listen. There is every reason to believe that the Palestinians would kill all the Jews in Israel if they could. Would every Palestinian support genocide? Of course not. But vast numbers of them—and of Muslims throughout the world—would. Needless to say, the Palestinians in general, not just Hamas, have a history of targeting innocent noncombatants in the most shocking ways possible. They’ve blown themselves up on buses and in restaurants. They’ve massacred teenagers. They’ve murdered Olympic athletes. They now shoot rockets indiscriminately into civilian areas. And again, the charter of their government in Gaza explicitly tells us that they want to annihilate the Jews—not just in Israel but everywhere.
This is utter drivel. https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/12/12/israel-submission-un-committee-rights-child
Payback for treating Palestinians as vermin for the last 50 years. I can't see any peaceful resolution to this...
If the Israelis had made serious efforts to find a peaceful solution (excluding trying to settle and Israelise Palestinian lands), all of this religious ******** would have been quietly forgotten by the mass of people in the region. It's only the extremists that have such barbaric world views, the people would just like to live in peace. Sadly the truth is that giving the Jewish people a homeland after the war was utterly understandable and right but it should have been done with strict conditions, ie to live in peace with the people already there, policed by the UN and neither side allowed to have armed forces.
The only democracy in the region, the only place in the region anyone from the LGBTQ community is allowed to live without the threat of death, where Arabs are citizens the same as Jews. I love all these supporters of Hamas, Iranian backed jihadis who want to kill all Jews and would throw gays, and do, from the rooftops of buildings.
I don't know where you got this from but it's Islamophobic tripe. The accepted definition of Anti-Semitism includes the apportioning of the actions of Israel to the global Jewish population. Therefore, doing the same to Palestinians/Muslims as that passage does is unacceptably Islamophobic. Whatever you think of Hamas, rubbish like this that goes to pains to defend the atrocities of the Israeli state is a massive part of the problem.
Knew the Britain First leader nutter would get in on the act. That's not even the worst stuff he's posted in the past 24 hours. That would be him questioning if Ukraine are arming Hamas.