I agree with everything you say, apart from the fact that his Father was murdered by the UFF. https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/paddy-kielty-day-told-school-26962418
A prominent Israeli journalist and radio presenter, David Mizrahy Verthaim, has called for wholesale bloodletting. “We need a disproportionate response … If all the captives are not returned immediately, turn the strip into a slaughterhouse. If a hair falls from their head - execute security prisoners. Violate any norm, on the way to victory,” he wrote on X. .... When Israel’s defence minister, Yoav Gallant, ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip with “no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed”, he said: “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.” ... Opinion polls show that significant numbers of Israelis view Arabs as “dirty”, “primitive”, and as not valuing human life. Generations of Israeli school children have been imbued with the idea that Arabs are interlopers and merely tolerated through the beneficence of Israel. A 2003 study of Israeli textbooks by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem showed Arabs are principally depicted “with a camel, in an Ali Baba dress”. “They describe Arabs as vile and deviant and criminal, people who don’t pay taxes, people who live off the state, people who don’t want to develop. The only representation is as refugees, primitive farmers and terrorists. You never see a Palestinian child or doctor or teacher or engineer or modern farmer,” the study said. In 2002 during the second intifada, the Tel Aviv newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth published a letter by Israeli children titled: “Dear soldiers, please kill a lot of Arabs”. The paper said dozens of such letters were sent by schoolchi ldren. https://www.theguardian.com/comment...ng-used-to-describe-palestinians-is-genocidal
think it works both ways when i went on holiday to israel i was telling everyone about it numerous muslims basically said it has no right to exist, should be wiped from the map etc think i rememeber a taxi driver saying the israelis are all dirt or summat like that
"Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago''
, I think you’ll find the Canaanites and Egyptians were there first with the area inhabited by a variety of religions over the centuries all together.Zionism and British ineptitude after the end of the Ottoman Empire after the First World War have a lot to answer for
What I can't get round my head is why is it any if our business, let the other countries of the world sort it out.
a). Our occupation of Palestine during the post-Ottoman Empire period and the creation of Israel b). Israel are - on paper at least - our allies c). We are a permanent member of the UN Security Council - and Israel are, on paper at least, potentially committing war crimes d). It is in our economic and geo-political interests for peace in the Middle East - particularly with the potential effects on the price of petrol if the situation escalates.
If you listen to the western msm they will have you hating the people been oppressed and feeling sorry for the ones doing the oppressing.
When it comes to all this, the only person I take notice of is my owd fella. The owd fella was a ripper at Elsecar Main for 20 years then onto Sam Foxes. He didn’t come from Barnsley or Britain though. He never talked about where he did come. But as a kid I kept pestering him until the day he gave in and told me. “I come from a place that doesn’t exist where everyone is dead.” Many, many years later we found our way back there and stood in the forest where his village once was. We could make out the mossy remains and old fruit trees that once stood in gardens. He was 14 the night the soldiers came. He was the only one to survive. Standing there, he told me what they did. “They were animals,” he ended then paused and thought again. “Mind you, not their fault… it was the way they were brought up.” Immense. I’m not saying he forgave them but he knew first-hand that hatred breeds hatred, and violence breeds violence. As you sow, so shall you reap. The owd fella would take no side in today’s wars when it comes to religions, countries, leaders and the rights and wrongs of history. But he would be firmly on one side. No matter what colour, creed or faith, he’d be with the all the people dying in the streets and fields and forests and deserts who only ever wanted to live a quiet life with their families and take care of their kids. And he knew only too well, what folk fleeing a burning village were going through as he watched a news report from the Bosnian war. “Look at them poor buggers… if you stay where you are they kill you. If you go somewhere else, they kill you. What do you do?” We should put the world’s ‘great leaders’ in that position and see if they can answer his question.
The truth is we were reluctant to take Jewish refugees prior to WW2, only a few made it out of the ghetto. Go forward to current times & we are not helping people in need now. Statsis, @StatisTYKE
Reports Israel has bombed a hospital where people were being treated or were sheltering. Currently unconfirmed esitmate of 500 200-300 dead.
I think Patrick Kielty's father was murdered by Loyalist terrorists. Apologies hadn't spotted it posted above.
Correct. All of Israel, Turkey & Saudi Arabia are allowed to get away quite literally with murder because they’re our allies
They just despise each other. I’ve heard Muslims lay into Israel / Jews & when I was on holiday in Cyprus we got talking to a group of Israelis who were openly been racist about Muslims & laying into Palestinian’s to us when they barely knew us. I don’t blame them for it it’s the way they’ve been brought up & their lived experience. It’s like Turks & Greek’s despise each other, Serbs & Albanians etc