I don't disagree with many of the views posted regarding Labour's leadership, pros & cons on this issue. I'm further left of Starmer politically & my personal views on Palestine would not get me elected I suspect. The two state solution was the only way out of this, as the joker said to the thief... That has been long abandoned. If I was Starmer's advisors I'd be focusing on the two massive bye election wins & why that happened, which is much more about domestic issues, not foreign policy. Anyone old enough will remember Thatcher was failing in the polls, prior to the Falklands war. To get dragged into too much of a foreign policy debate, when we are really not even bit part players in Israel / Palestine would be a big electoral mistake. (The Saudis are only interested in our ageing footballers). They are nicely burying Sunak as "Dr Death" with this BTW... Stuff like this, basically: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-67145869 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-67163232
I can see exactly what you're getting at and take your comments on board, but I don't remember Corbyn ever referring to "Jewish oppression" of Palestinians, he referred to oppression in the name of the state of Israel. And was roundly smeared and condemned, firstly by the right wing press, and then, predictably by the great British public. It's not about what he says, it's about how his words are interpreted as it's easy to mix anti Israel with anti Jew. As I said, rock or hard place.
And for the record, I think everyone who has given Israel support as they bomb innocent men, women and children are utterly wrong, and that includes Kier Starmer.
does it even matter what british public thinks... all those in power here are giving israel full backing
Has the war finished now or have the media outlets been told to wind down there reports and let the Israelis and Americans blow Palestine out of the water?
I remember very well when Putin threatened to bomb the power infastructure in Ukraine and all our politicians were saying it would be a war crime' yet the very same politicians are supporting the Israelis as they not only stop power they also stop food water and medical supplies' they've somehow come to the conclusion that it isn't war crimes but self defence 'disgraceful..
Iran have launched drones at Israel. A huge explosion has just happened in Tehran. What a scary world we live.
It was inevitable that this would happen if the west continued to allow Israel to flatten Gaza. I feel for all the innocent people in Palestine, Israel, Iran & anywhere else suffering.
Correct. I won’t pretend to understand any of this. But as ever, a mass loss of innocent lives will no doubt occur owing to rich people’s desires.
Hard to see how it might end. Normally the US would be a bit of a peace maker but unfortunately this time the US backs Israel. And sneaky Sunak having his say saying UK jets might be involved. All is not well.
Rumours about Britains involvement at this time would be highly irregular , however if any Navy vessels were fired upon in the region, then yes they would defend themselves, the I.D.F, have a very robust air defence system, which i'm sure will neutralize most incoming u,f,o's. Nobody knows whats been fired, apparently the I,D,F,av several hours to assess the u,f,o's, so i guess it'll be drones and not missiles.
https://news.sky.com/story/israel-gaza-hamas-iran-latest-sky-news-blog-12978800 Sirens going off Iran will be attacked. Then they will attack back and it will carry on and on. Jerusalem has had an explosion. The next few hours isn't going to be good.
I think I can help you with your understanding, the person who wins the next US presidential campaign will win because of the Jewish vote.
With only 2.5% of Americans being of Jewish faith I doubt it, in context of the UK it's .3 % . Just like America if you watched the TV you would probably think it was more.
Can’t believe with what is going on folk think the important bit is what our politicians stance is, we are hardly going to influence it? Way I see it all the parties are as guilty as each other! Hammas knew what they were doing by provoking Israel and brought death and destruction on thousands of innocent Palestinians. Israel took the opportunity to go after Hammas in a totally outrageous way bringing death and destruction on thousands of innocent Palestinians! ( Not hard to see the losers here is it) Iran knowing that America is already arguing over aid to Ukraine opportunistically take the chance to attack Israel ( which is not hard to see turning into all out war as Israel are pretty sure to retaliate) , at the same time potentially taking the Wests total attention off Ukraine further aiding Mad Vlad’s effort to spread his empire.