Kinnell, I don’t think anyone’s saying that either side is innocent. It’s clear both sides are basket cases, but this has to be an atrocity whichever way you look at it… soldiers walking into a music festival and opening fire is sick. Killing babies… these aren’t soldiers, these are innocent.
Great read, thanks for posting. Shame it won’t reach a wider audience, particular to those that clamber to take sides. The Palestinians are truly in a no win situation though.
Really though, how very short-sighted of you. You think everyday, peaceful, ordinary Palestinians are responsible for these attrocities. Unfortunately though more of them will be driven into the arms of Hamas if they have nowhere else to go, which seems to be the route the Israeli govt is taking them.
When I said Palestinians were in a ‘no-win situation’ you replied they won’t by ‘ storming festivals’ and killing babies’ if you meant ‘militia terrorists’ why didn’t you say that. BTW I saw one report that Hamas has ‘ non-Palestinians’ amongst its numbers
Then you understand that it isnt as simple as 2 sides to a conflict, there are actually 4 sides and 2 sides (one on each "side") are innocents in this.
I agree with most of it. A very well written piece. The sad thing is the West & their opponents are willing to let this play out, like pawns on a chess board. Pretty much the same, as they are doing in other battle grounds. Very, very sad.
We're on standby to deploy Navy ships to help support Israel but we send ammo from 2000 miles away for Ukraine. Same with the US. **** scared of the Russians, let's hope the Palestinians don't find a nuclear button.
"Rishi Sunak said the military support would "prevent further escalation". The British armed forces will be on standby to "deliver practical support to Israel and partners in the region, and offer deterrence and assurance", Downing Street said." Ah right, so we're only "preventing escalation" in one direction and turning a blind eye to the ongoing collective punishment of 2.3m people.
The Israeli Defence Force is tweeting out celebratory posts with photos bragging about how they’ve dropped 6,000 bombs all apparently on Hamas targets. In reality they’re just carpet bombing a densely populated area & slaughtering thousands of innocents all the while our racist MP’s Starmer, Cleverly, Thornberry etc are giving interviews cheering the genocide on. It’s sickening. The standard of politicians in this country is surely at an all time low.
Sounds like we've sent our best negotiators over to try and stop them dropping a nuke or something. I dread to think what could be coming.
Yes, I think the Americans and ourselves are over there to say to the Israelis "Think on, take a step back". They may baulk at some of what they have got planned if powerful allies are watching.
Yes, but only because of our rightly condemnation of Putin and his attrocities on civilians, would seem very hypocritical if we didn’t do the same with Israel, or summert like that
To be fair under the Islamic system of “democracy” - one man, one vote, once. They were elected by a popular vote. By the way Israeli politicians visiting hospitals today were barracked by the injured Israelis and their families and forced to leave over their behaviour towards the Palestinians which led to Saturday. It’s just a pity those people chanting “gas the Jews” in Australia believe in this collective guilt, as well as the countless posters online and other protestors who also think “they” ( all Israelis) had it coming.
Lots of politicians need to be lined up against a wall and the people need to be left to sort this **** out.
I think the last vote was in something like 2008, wasn't it? I could be wrong - not in a position to look it up at the moment. But if it is there or thereabouts, it's worth remembering that half the population of Gaza aren't even old enough to have a say right now, let alone back when Hamas were seen as the answer. Nobody reasonable thinks that they represent the political will of the Palestinian people. Probably the best brief overview I've seen in recent days. The whole thing is frightening, and plenty of hateful pricks on both sides have been and are acting shamefully.
There is something about all this that just isn't right. Why on earth would Hamas attack knowing the retribution would be 20 times worse, probably leading to Israel taking the remaining land from the palestinians? Is this a way to unite the Arabs in the area against Israel, with all the peace treaty's signed recently between Israel & the Arab nations maybe this was seen as a short term sacrifice for long term gain? I have always felt sorry for palestinians as they have been on the **** end of the stick by a country who seemingly can do no wrong in the eyes of the world. But Hamas have done them no favours here, carnage is sure to follow.