So Israel, presumably in preparation for a ground offensive, has asked the entire population of the northern part of the Gaza strip to "move south" . That's a total of 1.1m people which is the equivalent of asking the entire population of Birmingham(!) to up sticks and leave their homes. The UN has said that this will have, "devastating humanitarian consequences". In response the Israeli government said this response was "shameful".
Hmmm, so they have to move 12 miles down the road to sit on top of the other 1.1 million. And double the pressure on the non existent services there. Sounds like Israel's original plan, just speeded up.
A Republican US Congressman has stated that Israel were warned by Egypt of a pending attack. Israeli intelligence is, as you would imagine, well known for being exceptional, with Palestinian informants helping them. So another question there. There's a good UN map of Gaza here (pdf) with some useful information and a diagram re: the fence that surrounds it. There's always at least 100-400m between Gaza and Israel at any one point. Plus two concrete barriers, one of which runs underground. Then on both sides of the barriers there are intermittent guard posts, so you don't just wonder up to a fence, cut a hole in it and wonder through. There will no doubt be some serious questions to be answered as to how this happened.
You would have thought, given their history, Jewish people would be the last people on earth to do anything like this. Sickening.
So they’re wanting over a million people to move essentially the distance of Cawthorne to Goldthorpe? If and when these poor people are moved south and the impending ground invasion starts and the air strikes continue by the Israelis where will all the displaced people go when things settle down? Genuine question too, they’re packed in like sardines now so when more of there homes are reduced to rubble what the hell are they going to do? Will the British/American government step in and find them some land to live on and build them homes?
Because its a way for Iran to get at Israel without having to directly attack them and face the consequences. Better to use proxy terror organisations in Gaza and Lebanon to do their dirty work for them.
Apparently the observation posts and guard towers are not manned, purely a system of cameras and electronic sensors, according to Hamas videos they destroyed the towers by using drones immediately prior to the attack.
I always turn the situation around and ask myself if the reaction would be the same if it were Palestinian forces bombing Israelis who they'd sealed into a strip of land, cut off their electricity and water before telling 1.1m of them to leave their homes or face death.
That the world wouldn't allow Palestinians to illegally occupy land given to Israelis. Nor would it, also quite rightly, tolerate their treatment of Jews by sealing them in, cutting their water and electricity, or forcing 1.1m of them to leave their homes under Palestinian bombardment. That is after all, also a war crime in the same way Hamas killing civilians was. What a mess.
Not going well for Cruella telling police to make people feel the full force of the law. Pro Palestine marches all over the country today, with Jewish groups joining in.
Cruella is a bigoted moron. Be ironic if the current laws on immigration deemed her and her family to be illegal immigrants. They come over here and have kids who go on to get jobs stopping our own people getting into the legal profession and politics......send em back. As to the current situation its actually good to see some Jewish groups criticising Netanyahu and the authoritarian right wing government of Israel. As has been said, one would think that after all the crap that Jewish people have suffered for hundreds of years there would be some empathy for other people.
Patrick Kielty should know, as his father was murdered by the IRA, yet he supported the peace deal which say those killers released from prison. Something similar will have to happen if Israel/Palestine is ever to be at peace, otherwise each retribution sows the seeds for more hatred which will end with more murders and atrocities and the cycle will continue. Peace comes at a price, but it is worth it.