It’s amazing how many Wednesday fans on Social media seem unconcerned about the safety aspects and would rather take issue with opposition fans being in some kind of conspiracy against them. My own experience of that part of the ground is that it’s a decent view and atmosphere, but being a female you have to go mid match if you want to stand any chance of going to the loo (from memory two cubicles at each of the two furthest extremes of the concourse). As for the exit - horrible. You simply have no choice than to be scooped up in the flow down those stairs - and it is a crush. Awful experience. Good piece that. Rightly being called out that it needs knocking down, even if it would be over thirty years late.
I went to that corner section of the ground in 1983, last time i recall it being used. The concrete had broken up and could be picked up and thrown (assuming you were so minded of course) heard not long after it had been closed for that reason. Dreadful ground, been since the disaster a few times to Leppings Lane, I can almost taste the sense of tragedy, should have been knocked down, not fit for purpose 34 years ago and not improved since. A stain on the game