I would agree that the feeling amongst the fan base is toxic. Saturday could be awful. But that wasn't the conversation I was having. As for the rest of your post. Excellent points and I wouldn't argue with any of them. Summed up some of the issues perfectly.
Some of us guessed the interference of team selection/style etc as soon as Marcus arrived. A manager who had never ever according to the internet ever played 343 Somehow he thought he should play it. Yeah alright
Local solicitor, recently retired (I think), long time member of the Trust. He was mentioned on here only recently as he was on one of the old photos of a game at Newport County. And yes you are correct.
Style and formation, definitely. The actual names in the team and squad though? That’s a step or seven further. It is really, truly ridiculous. It is this that has made me stop worrying about performances on the field for now. I can’t hurt myself by caring, when they don’t. The results for the rest of this season are somewhat irrelevant - we aren’t getting to 50 points, or even 40. It would take a huge improvement to get to 30. I won’t, though, ever stop caring about the club as a whole and it’s ongoing existence. This period is painful, but I’ll still be around once we come through the other side. Be that in League One, Two even. I wouldn’t have thought we’d go lower than that - but stranger things have happened. That will be what it will be. At some point they will cash out. Using Nice as the example, I doubt they will be around for all that much longer. You just have to wonder who and what type of owner comes next. There won’t be too much due diligence taken by the current mob to ensure they sell to suitable new ones.
I appreciate your concerns and your points SR, I would consider that the Trust is doing as much as it can within it's remit but not 100%. However, it concerns me that the football authorities don't want to get involved and mediate. Or the Council and politicians don't seek to ecert pressure on the owners/board of directors. I realise that this seems naive but the behaviour of the owners surely cannot be allowed to continue, they are bringing football into disrepute.
I know many have already done this but I have to acknowledge what a fantastic post this is.....thank you We're all frustrated and angry, 100% justified, but we have to resist the temptation to start squabbling amongst ourselves and/or having digs at Loko and Gally. It's easy to sit at home and poke holes in the time and effort these people invest on our behalf. As far as I can see the vast majority of the questions that we wanted asked of the CEO were asked, it's not their fault we don't like the answers.