Don't assume that women's sport doesn't create 'the same spectacle' or a 'better spectacle' for some of us!
The washing n ironing comment was tongue in cheek, an attempt at a bit of humour. Sorry if it offended anyone, that was not the intention. However my next post regarding sport and the obvious physical differences wasn't. That is fact and no one can argue differently. I understand that people can find women's sports entertaining but it isn't and never will be at the same standard as men's. Why are women's tees far in advance of men's? To make it more equal. I love the fact that women play sport and sport should be encouraged for everyone but when it comes to payment women can't have their cake and eat it. Such as Megan Rapinoe make a song and dance about being paid the same for doing the same job and I can agree to that if that was the case but I hope that if we can't sign Dike on a permanent basis we don't sign her as his replacement
She was making the case for US international women to be paid the same as their male counterparts. As I stated, US women have achieved far more than the men.
I'm not disputing that, my point is that the US women wouldn't have achieved as much as their male counterparts if they played against the same teams which IMO is the only way for them to achieve equal pay. I don't think we'll ever agree on this one so it's probably better to agree to disagree.
why can't women 'have their cake and eat it' - sportsmen have been stuffing their faces with cake for years!
I actually managed to completely mess up as Williams didn't win that last Wimbledon did she, she was beaten in the final by halep so it was 15 matches for the winner not 16. Halep's matches listed a total of 8 hours 29 minutes, Federer played more than double the length of time at 17 hours 23 minutes. I fully support equal pay, always have but Wimbledon isn't an example of equal pay. It's an example of unequal pay. Anyway I think the tennis situation is pretty unique, when it comes to football the matches are the same length, pitch the same etc so there's really no excuse
Or a different skin colour? Or a different serial orientation? You are now going off at a tangent to try and justify your stance on equal pay. I like your posts generally and respect your views but I don't have to agree with them all hence why I said it's probably best to agree to disagree on this one.
Not at a tangent as since apartheid ended sport segregated by skin colour thankfully is no longer an issue. But obviously you couldn't expect those with disabilities to compete physically or in against their top able bodied counterparts.
Helen that's not what I'm saying. It's just my point of view that to receive equal pay women should compete against men as equals. Do you honestly think Sky Sports would be as big a commercial success as it is if all it broadcast was women's sport? Like it or lump it people generally like to watch sportspeople competing against each other at the highest standard and that usually means its men's sport that takes centre stage and therefore commands higher salaries.
Men's pay/conditions/rewards etc are discussed as purely a men's issue without reference to anyone else. Women's pay/conditions etc are discussed by comparing them to those of men. That doesn't seem right.
But if it was wall to wall women's sports, that would be the norm.I do understand what you're saying and I do prefer watching men's football but having said that, I know a few young women coming through the women's game and have started watching out for them. It may well be that I end up preferring it if it flows more due to the endless cheating for free kicks continues unabated in the mens game.
That doesn't make any sense though because the difficulty level for each is the same. It's just as difficult for a team of women to beat another team of women as it is for a team of men to beat another team of men. Why does it matter who would win out of a male and a female team when they don't play each other? So you think women in every sport in the world should be paid less than men? At the Olympics shall we stop women from being able to win Gold, Silver and Bronze medals because they have slower times/less distance on throws etc. than the men? Let's give them medals made out of aluminium, steel and iron instead to show how rubbish and unentertaining they are. If it's a mixed double's match at Wimbledon then the male player can have three quarters of the money and the female can have a quarter as everyone fell asleep every time she hit the ball over the net.
The thread is about a woman comparing her wages to a man and asking for equality. are you saying you disagree with Megan and she shouldn't be doing it? Or simply that nobody except you is allowed to discuss it?
Sport would be the 1st subject on the National Curriculum if I was in charge. I've coached football and cricket and the sides contained boys and girls and also kids with physical disadvantages and everyone was treat as an equal. The physical wellbeing of all kids is paramount and I wish more kids would take advantage of the numerous sporting facilities available to them instead of being stuck in front of a computer screen. Sport has been a major part of my life and I love most sports and am still actively involved in local football and cricket, both coaching and playing. I find it hard to justify the fact that women want equal pay as their male counterparts but don't want to be in direct competition with them in order to earn it. Perhaps we should move on. Goodnight
So you think every sportwoman woman in the world should be paid less than a sportsman? Better get those aluminium, steel and iron medals made.
But before I go to bed I've just read Jamdrops thread and feel I need to reply. With regards to the medals then no, the medals should be the same. With regards to the mixed doubles then the prize money should be shared equally as both sexes are competing on a level playing field. Should a hospital porter, who carries out a vital and very important job be paid as much as a surgeon? I don't think so and that's the nearest analogy I can get to the difference between men's and womens sport.