Laid in bed when this thieving bugger went sweeping past the window, wouldn’t mind but we’ve only got 2 goldfish in a half barrel, well one now to be precise!
I was putting the washing out this morning and a baby robin was sat watching me, only about 2 feet away. Think it was a bit cold, but the sun soon came round and off it flew. Hope it’s ok tonight with possibility of a frost.
It's likely still snuggled up with some others at this time. Even if it's just the parents. Looking forward to baby blackbirds soon as there's a pair nesting in the hedge.
A pair of blue tits have been scouting the bird box, so hopeful. Hardly see any blackbirds at all now, though have a resident song thrush of late, not quite as jolly as a blackbird, but enjoyable all the same.
Oh a song thrush is a lovely thing. Haven't seen one in the garden for years, which is a shame as I have an excess of snails!
In the last year we’ve seen a bit of a shift in the garden birds we see. Now seldom see greenfinches, woodpeckers or blackbirds, even dunnocks, but have seen a regular black cap, wren and a jay. Even saw a redwing for the first time last spring, not something you’d expect 3-4 miles from central London.
I was holidaying in Northumberland last week and saw my first red squirrel also saw Black Grouse but the thing that I saw which was the most surprising was oyster catcher's on the Moors as I thought they only frequented the coast. On way back passed through knaresborough and noticed a commonwealth graves cemetery and as my sons in to military things stopped off to look around and whilst in noticed a large flock of birds circling above on closure inspection noticed they were Red Kites about 15 of them an amazing sight