All you've got to do is remember this next time you're down at the ballot box. It doesn't matter where else your X goes (within reason). But just never vote for them again.
The figures are not correct, or manipulated to fit the agenda. Unfortunately, this does the opposite of creating a credible argument. Just a pity the Facebook rant didn’t say at the end... “are they stopping travel because we’re too close to finding the world is flat....”. Just to pull it to pieces a bit... in 2019 there were 1870 reported road deaths. 1 in a 100 chance of dying in a car accident does not mean 1 in a 100 of the population as the “article” suggests. It means if someone is injured in a car accident... 1 in a hundred times it results in death. So as I said, building up a legitimate argument with crap is just a way of destroying any legitimate argument. But it will have Karen’s around the world frothing at the mouth...
And if you ever voted for em. have a good look at yourselves. A party for the haves. A party to keep the I’m alright jacks onside. Fcku the have nots.
Still waiting to see some restrictions actually aimed at protecting the vulnerable rather than just token measures such as these.
10% of Italy's population died of flu last year? WOW, I must have missed that on the news! #madeupstats
There hasn't been a single attempt to either offer assistance to the vulnerable or enforce restrictions on them so they don't die since this whole **** show began.
No The govt of Taiwan aimed for and nearly achieved zero Covid. Their economy has grown 1.55% down on expectations but still growth. When someone says the strategy is zero Covid that doesn’t mean that the expectation is to have zero cases just that you aim for the lowest number possible.
Seems like utter madness doesn't it. Do you remember right at the start talk of asking the vunervale to isolate. By the time those "shielding"letters were sent out we were all on lockdown so it made no difference at all. From that point on I have no idea what the plan is. Presumably because we don't have one. You either go for a Sweden approach and aim for herd immunity (but protect the vulnerable which they failed on in care homes) or lockdown hard shut all your borders permanently and hope a vaccine comes along to rescue you. We have gone for option c, just plod along saying "we need to do something, this is something let's do that" It a absolute $h!t show, from weak leadership and bowing to media pressure. It's just thoroughly depressing.
I don't really know much about Taiwan so I can't pass comment on that. Personally I think in the UK any strategy to keep cases as low as possible we have to be too draconian to take. How would you achieve it? Now a policy to have as few deaths as possible seems a lot more achievable to me. Again I wasnt defending the government they have been a complete shambles. All that money spent on furlough could have been spent protecting the vulnerable.
Meanwhile this is also happening. Timing of the announcement, coincidence?
How would I have achieved it in February? would have been relatively straightforward. Lock down early and hard with only genuinely essential business open. Close borders except to returning U.K. nationals who Would be quarantined for 14 days. Develop a track and trace system. Invest in schools in terms of temp buildings and equipment. Look at manufacturing and see who was placed to make PPE. Award contracts on merits not cronyism. After the 6 weeks this should have taken. Reopen Society but still quarantine all arrivals for 14 days. Take the opportunity to trial UBI. Cheaper and more effective than furlough. When society reopened with the track and trace additional classrooms and PPE strategy in place. Go on a mass spree to attract medical staff ( having not built hospitals that no one could use through lack of staff. How you change things now I have no clue. Use local Lockdowns effectively. Communicate clearly and properly to the public The Govt has ****** it up to the point where a way out seems impossible.
Very short sighted view of the economy. If one sector fails it has a knock on impact on the rest of the economy. More failed businesses means less tax receipts, larger numbers unemployed and more people taking out rather than contributing. That means more pressure on what’s left of the economy to cover the increasing deficit. Higher taxes initially shrinks the economy further and borrowing is just deferred taxation. Why do you think everyone’s so worried about a few city centre Prets? It’s the knock on impact it could have on the rest of the economy which was under strain even before the pandemic.
You mean apart from the £1.57 billion for the arts and all the money we’re going to have to eventually pay back on furlough payments and all the other small business support schemes?
Not sure as there’s no situation to compare it to. But I’m guessing they’ve calculated all the people coming off furlough and back to work, the increased taxes paid, the VAT on goods, etc. And then deducted the government’s investment in to the 50% discount to give a figure of £250 million