This is true. It is also important to point out that the UK GDP is fundamentally based on a service economy. So the things labelled entertainment, luxury etc along with academia, financial services etc are in fact the core of our economy.
Yeah i guess its how its calculated. I reckon the government would have been better off without the eat out campaign overall. However i dont know why they didn't extend it in partnership, gov pay 25% if restaurant covers 25% through Sept. But i guess they really dont want anyone going out at all.
During a "deadly global pandemic" we have a generation that don’t give a fook The same generation constantly spouting about saving the planet. Oh and I forgot.. probably the same lot that run onto the pitch last game of the season.
Total cost is reported at £522 million (ignoring increase in tax receipts/furlough payments). Under no circumstance can I see government income increasing by £772 million to leave a £250 million net benefit. Assume that the government is contributing 33% of the sectors revenue (ie not the full 50% because they don’t fund alcoholic drinks, more than £10 per person etc). This means total sector revenue of about £1,566 million. Surely there is no way is the government taking about 50% of the sector’s revenue in increased taxes/reduced furlough payments?
Non of this is coherent, I feel so sorry for small businesses. When a government states it felt using two slogans at the same time would confuse the population, its puts the tin lid on this clusterfuck which started in February. Hands, Face, Space and Eat out to help out. Why is there to confuse folk with? They're a busted flush it's time powers were handed over to local NHS and councils.
In February we may have had as many cases as we do currently. Your idea certainly sounds a lot better than what we have done. And that kind of the point, whatever way you look at it haven't done anything with any I agree with much of that, and I have no idea what the best policy is for dealing with Covid I'm happy to admit that. What I do know is having no policy will achieve nothing.
Again? Im just going to stick with the never vote for them - I could understand why people voted for Cameron and even May though I didnt agree with them I just dont get why anyone could vote for a proven liar who even a cursory check of him shows he is totally unsuitable to run a bath never mind a country. This is by far the worst government we have had since women got the vote
I was speaking to those who voted for him this time round. I am proud to say that I've been eligible to vote since 2001 and never voted Conservative.
Given that we are now passing laws that allows us to break international law and ignore treaties, like China did with Hong Kong let’s go the extra mile and have Covid Camps to re-educate the young
Tbh, I've given up with this whole government and their sham. We're just going backwards and not forwards, sometimes they don't make sense at all, the Leger meeting is on this week, so after this week that means the pilot events will be without fans again? So much for getting things back on track. They wanted to stop this from being a "deadly" virus, they're on good track to stopping it from being deadly with the minimal deaths now compared to before but where do you draw the line under it? We can't stay in social distancing forever.
Day by day this lot are eroding the premise that government is run by the people for the people. Thatcher's lot were corrupt this lot have taken it to a whole new level.
That nonsense FB post certainly showed us who is easily fooled and who are the critical thinkers. I hope in other sectors of society that isn’t so dramatically split along party lines. I’d really like to believe that some Tory voters had an IQ in double figures.