Seen as it's international break and there's no tarn to watch I thought we could have a new music thread (and promote my band shamelessly). My band have just released a new single 'City Streets' and it would mean the world to us if people had a listen. Band formed in Barnsley and artwork designed by a Barnsley lad. My personal choice for some great new music is 'Electrify' by The Capollos. Great tune. Check them out.
Eyup mate. Good stuff that, always good to promote local music. Long time no see by the way pal, think last time I saw you was Stone Roses at Etihad all them years ago, how we doing?
Eyup pal! how we doing? I'm great, that as some day out that was. Got through a fair bit of ale haha. Seen your name pop up on here before and had an inkling it was you!
Not too bad mate, in Headingley now, living the dream hahah! Yeah was a good one, did you go see them a few years later? Ended up going to see them two nights in a row at Leeds arena! Are you still in Barnsley?
Haha! Got out of Harrogate then? No mate think that was the last time I saw them. Shame they’ve gone the way they have again. Kind of, sort of up and down between home and our lasses in dee dar land at the min! Be good to catch up again when all this covid sheite is out of the way!
Yes mate finally left thankfully! Yeah they’ve gone a bit mental haven’t they, very sad! Good to hear you’re doing well mate, message me your number and we can go for a beer when the rona is all done with