After having it explained I remember summat very similar. we threw the ball against peoples walls (bounce beforehand) not the kerb. .But honestly can't remember what we called it. Over to other Jumpers. Noel. ?
Amateur. I think thats a different game that I seem to remember too. The skill or fun part of kerby was how precise your aim at to be to get it to come back off the corner of the kerb. Throw too far and it landed on the pavement, too short and it hit the road. Had to be perfectly aimed to hit the corner and come back. If you didn't play it you should give it a go even now. I'll bring a ball round if you want
If we'd have played as you say kerby. I reckon the ball would have finished up in a neighbours garden quite often. Once, twice, may have been forgivable. More than that. they kept the bloody thing. Gave it back next day. Wouldn't dare play it outside anyone's house that had a showroom garden. Once in theirs it was never to be seen again. B'stds.