Exactly this, all measures had to work in conjunction with each out. A symbiotic approach to reduce infection and protect those most vulnerable in society. However we have a lax border policy, a 34 billion piece of crap track and trace and a brilliant vaccination program. Boris explained last year this is how he'd beat it, now the vaccine rollout is a silver bullet. Was Boris lying again? Folk are cheering, I get it. Businesses are on their knees I get it. But this could have been handled so much better. Especially with the money spaffed away on haphazard knee jerk infective approaches lead by a few nutters not experts. Remember we'll be the ones paying this back. We could have had full pubs and businesses operating at full. But Boris had to be the mayor from Jaws.
Just because you believe ‘People act like they are a forcefield’, doesn’t even make that so. So when you say ‘masks don’t work’, what you actually mean is ‘I don’t understand how masks can make a difference and refuse to read any of the explanations put to me. However I do believe that other people think masks have magical powers and that’s not true. So therefore I can justify my completely nonsensical opinion’
He's right though. A lot of people do seem to believe that's true. They may not say it but they do think it. I don't mean the intelligent people like you or anyone else on here, I mean those who were staying a good distance from everyone else in supermarkets and generally being pretty careful who put a mask on a year ago and acted as if it made them invincible. No longer did they social distance or take care when handling products, gone were the hand sanitising on entry. They had masks and everything else went out of the window. Surely you saw that like I did? I've always firmly believed that masks work. It's just common sense that they do. An intelligent trained doctor or nurse wearing a !ask will really help themselves and everyone else. The problem is that Tyrone and Chantelle who are constantly touching their mask while picking items up over and over in tesco and standing directly behind someone else aren't trained or frankly intelligent enough to use them properly and the benefit of a mask is in my opinion far outweighed by the lapses in other social distancing measures and they had a net negative effect. Masks work but I'm sure we can all see that a lot of people changed their social distancing behaviour as soon as masks were made mandatory. Logically that can only be because they over estimated how safe a mask alone would make them.
Was there a time limit on when mask wearing had to be successful by? And can you put the title back up?
I know chief, was being a bit naughty in my question. Having travelled to the far East I've always thought many residents wearing them as a matter of normal day to day life quite uplifting. They don't want to pass on germs and their air quality isn't great. It's not an act of subjugation, its an act steeped in community spirit. Seems we've lost that in this country since that dreaded vote about leaving another community.
Not one single person has been forced to wear a mask. At all. Not one. You could have simply said your exempt. And you were not legally obliged to prove it, and those wishing to ask you had no legal ability to ask you to prove your exemption Yes, it's being a nob for doing it, but it does prove you didn't have to
And the idiots who didn’t wear masks? They behaved in exactly the same way. A young bloke in the supermarket last week literally leant over me to reach for something; all smug looks and ‘I can do what I want’. If I’d been 10 years younger I’d have pushed him away. But as it’s now 35 years since my last fight, I might be at a disadvantage. I wonder whether masks made a difference to people’s behaviour, it was obvious early on that plenty of people were never going to accept social distancing and with or without a mask, people started doing what they liked. Masks may have accelerated that, we’ll never know.
Some more context: Covid infections are currently rising by 38% a week - the fastest rate of increase since last October. Government response: only 38%?? We can do better than that!!
Again your interpretation is detached from reality. The fact is they've made no difference to the overall outcome
The vaccine is getting us back to normal. The masks are to prevent needless tens of thousands of people dying in the meantime. Are you dim or just on a wind up?
I could say I'm giving up junk food to lose weight. Just because I haven't lost it by the time I need to fit in my dress doesn't mean that not eating junk food doesn't work.
Are you missing the point on purpose? The goal of masks was never to “get us back to normal” - masks assist in the prevention of the virus spreading. Alone they’re not massively effective, but along with things like social distancing, hand sanitizer, vaccines etc. It forms a strategy that is greater than the sum of its parts and significantly reduces the spread of the virus. It was laid out for you earlier in a very easy to understand diagram that you just completely ignored.