Much of the king and Country sayings are probably based more on an emotional attachment than anything else, from day one in the service you have given your oath of allegiance, all regiments, corps, units have someone from the monarchy who are tied to your regiment then the King automatically becomes commander in chief, many units toast the Queen/ King, some don't through historical events. All regiments will have Royal visits from there respective Royal. Your brothers are absolutely spot on, in the cold light of day when the proverbial is hitting the fan the only thing that matters is you and your mates at the side of you, no they're not out of step at all. I do believe that many in the forces ( me included) are much more aligned to the monarchy than the goverment due to some of the points I made above, afterall it's over 1200 years of a monarchy/ military connection and even now some units have a unique way of doing things because of something that happened 500 years ago, but again DT they are not out of step
I was in the Army 23yrs, 1979 - 2002, spent many times in various theatres, but i can assure all on this site i never stood on a picket line against the Miners, i did however stand with my Father and 4, Brothers at the time on various pickets including Orgreave where 2 Brothers were arrested, beaten up, charged, released and later Compensated. I can honestly say i dont know any Soldier serving that ever stood on a picket line.
neither do students. My missis is a nurse. One of her newly qualified has 70k with of student loans after working for free for 3 years
Well,FYI Peterlee is a place in Co Durham, and Peterloo is in the Manchester area. You are of course right about my error though. In my defence though it was getting late and I was tiring fast Another error I made in there is that I put Riot instead of massacre
Not wishing to take sides. But there is no concrete evidence of the military involved in the strike. I along with Tarntyke heard the stories. But to me most if not all were fabricated. I have no evidence to suggest otherwise. I spoke to several army personnel that I knew and they all called bu11shit on it. I picketed throughout the entire 12 months. Did i see quite a few SYP i knew. yes obviously. Military not in the slightest. Did a few of the police have their Id badges removed. Absolutely. Probably to avoid recognition of their behaviour. I know they shouldn't but visibly saw it myself. The Met quite frankly in the main, were vicious b'stds The Hampshire lot I came across totally opposite.
Appologies, it was a very off topic question and I was scratching my head trying to fathom out the relevance of the question with the subject we were talking about, like I say appologies, however what was the relevance ?
i know of 2 people personally that where on long term sick/incap/carers benefit that had never worked at the pit who went picketing and got paid for it
You've had a bit of a mare here Micky lad! Why divide opinion? Why can't you have both? A spot of fishing I see! hook, line, sinker.
Dividing nobody pal, the posters on here have divided themselves. It doesn’t take long for the leftist lemmings on here to get heated. I remember the SAS post did which people went berserk over, even though none of the evidence the BBC had was credible. I just think its time we as a nation, did a bit of pot banging for our armed forces. The NHS and nurses etc, get enough plaudit
I don't know about the SAS post as I didn't get involved, but i think we can acknowledge nurses, doctors and armed forces in unison, it doesn't have to be 'forget about nurses and doctors what about this..' As for pot banging, I think we should knock that on the head altogether, it makes us look a bit daft and primal.
Post a link. Student loans are required to cover university courses. 3 years on the job training is mandatory.