Either a middle aged or older bloke in a BMW or a young lass in a Fiat 500. The 2 most annoying and dangerous demographics on the road.
Sorry, been at work! Yes, BMW. Close whoever said Range Rover though. They actually won the twit of the day award, nearly causing an accident by undertaking in slowing traffic, through a gap that was barely there, just to get off at the junction and get stuck at the lights. Apologies to any decent BMW drivers if this post is unfair, I just get fed up of witnessing idiot after idiot on the road, and in the unlikely event I ever have enough money to buy a BMW, I would still opt for something else, because I would not want to be considered in the bracket of BMW drivers.
It wasn't my Mini Cooper. I only go 100 mph and undertake anything that is holding me up in outside lanes. *******. I am 70 and my eyesight isn't what it was, but wtf!
Mate, i came up to Barnsley at Christmas and passed numerous cars on the M1, i'm on the inside lane doing 70 and they're in the third lane doing 65. I'd have them executed
How do you know other drivers don't think you're an idiot? All about opinions. Has someone actually told you what a great driver you are, or presumably it's just your biased opinion.
I don't. I just know that if I was a BMW driver a good proportion of the population would automatically put me in the knobhead bracket.
There may well be. Not on my part though. I couldn't give a hoot about cars or number plates or any status symbols of that nature. The nearest thing I got to buying a "flash" car was a Citroen DS. Absolute crap. Soon shifted it for an Astra. My ideal car is a Ford Fiesta.
You have to understand that it's really hard to change lane whilst talking on the mobile phone and holding the steering wheel with one hand. Also how can they change lane when checking their make up in the rear view mirror. Multi tasking is hard baby.