To be honest, if people are crossing the line and attacking him and his family personally, I don’t blame him.
He's had more than enough time (4 extra years) now to get them back to their natural level, which is the Champions League. Tbh the Fritzls have been very patient with him. It's clear the only thing that gives their sad little lives any kind of meaning is those old clowns near the dog track in the hills. You've got your whole life ahead of you, Dejphon, there's more to life than that backwater you call home!
Not prepared to put any more money into the club. Costing him 2m per month. Can only spell disaster for Wendy. Unpaid wages looming at a guess. He really has got a strange attitude to finances. High ticket prices and merchandise. And he says if they get more in the ground, and more purchase merchandise he can lower both. Instead of lowering prices to start with and increasing attendances (and the extra income that comes from that) and far more merchandise sales. To break even if he is having to put £24m of his own money per season into the coffers. would require an extra 25,000+ fans through the gate EVERY league game at £40 entrance fee. Food for thought to some of our own fans on the costs of running a football club. He does have some valid points. Eg fines imposed for fans behaviour comes out of his pocket. And abuse/threats to himself and his family are unacceptable from those who hide behind the curtains and shout the loudest so to speak.
That statement just gets better and better the more you read it. Completely ignores the fact that he's responsible for creating the situation where he's having to put in £2m a month. Genuinely hope they go bust.
“I must take responsibility for everything at the club, including the financial support which is something I always do. But from now, I will not put additional money into the club” **** em. **** him.
"For example, some fans have said the ticket price is too high. I have explained this many times in forums. For example, the prices can be lower if we have enough guaranteed volume and that is a win-win situation" Blimey, at about 500 quid per season ticket (maybe a lot less than that) and maybe 20000 s/t sales, how much more can he expect from the supporters? The costs at that club must be phenomenal. Ours must be peanuts at the side of theirs. Don't like the idea of personal and family vendettas though, not good. But some people these days think it's big to be an arsehole. Some even cut down trees in order to show off.
Owlstalk is funny. One guy saying "this is the guy charged with running the club in a professional manner!" Presumably their view of running it in a professional manner is for someone to throw MORE than 2 million a month at them. Comeuppance coming up.
"I must take responsibility for everything at the club, including the financial support which is something I always do. But from now, I will not put additional money into the club. If you say you are the owner and I am the custodian, then show me how to be the good owner and help save your club. You want me to leave but you want me to spend money? If you want me to leave, then show me how to run the club and invest the money before I do that." That is absolutely mental stuff. EDIT: Bloody hell it gets more mental "You have no right to ask me to leave. I am the one who saved the club and spent the money for the club, I am the one who needs to pay around £2m on average every month. Some fans need to have more respect for owners of clubs and not be so selfish, thinking of their own benefit without doing anything good to the club. This is not acceptable and as a result I am not willing to inject more money while I am being treated unfairly by those fans."
This guy is an absolute **** house, anyone physically threatening him or his family are just as bad though. If he’s having to put 2m a month into the club even though they charge £44 a ticket then he only has himself to blame - he made the gamble to pay money the club wasn’t making on wages he can’t afford, no one else. He has tried to buy success by cheating and failed, unlucky.
£2 million a month. If that figure is right they're heading for FFP breach again. Can he sell the ground again? I'm sure there must be an interested taxi firm somewhere.
Can't feel sorry for him...not a likeable bloke and cheated and cheated some more, like a lot in the championship. My weds mates are still are oblivious to the finances and just keep quoting their fab fan base. No doubt some Saudi prince or Bill gates will take over soon enough.