If you want to join a group to do either of the kuta is a organisation that often organises the trips and guides. Kuta.co.uk contact Phil Lee
BBC Reporter climbed Big Ben at night to give a report on the morning news. Surprised it wasn't misty when he got to the top. He did it at night so you can't see a lot. Sounds to have taken around five and a half hours. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-48...t-climbed-ben-nevis-in-the-dark-to-get-on-air
Their ire is directed at visitors who not only disrespect the place but show no concern or respect for the local residents. There is no problem with individuals or groups of walkers who do show some respect either early in a morning, late at night and don't park inconsiderately, but a growing number of walkers do give the residents cause to raise the problems they now encounter. I live only a few miles from Horton and know personally some of the people affected by the increase in noise, litter and poor behaviour. Fair to say that in similar circumstances your p*ss would be well and truly boiled if you had to suffer the same. The locals affected have had meetings with the local council and with the National Park and a Code of Conduct has been drawn up and publicised, hopefully to help curtail the excesses of bad behaviour https://www.grough.co.uk/magazine/2...-code-of-conduct-to-tackle-challenge-problems Up until this last 4 months, I have walked and run the trails around the Y3P on many occasions and in the peak summer period for charity walks in the area, I am always saddened to see the amount of rubbish left on the trail or close by it. Yes the charities do a great job in encouraging more people to get out, exercise and enjoy the beautiful landscapes around this part of the world but, in my humble opinion, they could do a lot more to ensure a clean up afterwards and also to remind the participants to show the right respect to local inhabitants and infrastructure. Not only charities to blame either, as other organised (or in some cases disorganised) groups can be less than respectful too. I hope the Pen y Ghent cafe is only closed temporarily (that was my understanding a couple of months ago) - it would be sad to see it closed permanently as I rather enjoy their mug of tea and a bacon sandwich.
Is the Yorkshire one done as a running event as well? Or mainly just walkers. Edit: Ignore, it looks like there is one, https://www.threepeaksrace.org/.
Take 5 spare shirts and change and the top and bottom of each peak. If you’re trying to do it quickly you’ll do doubt get a bit of a sweat on going up each peak. But as soon as you stop at the top you’ll freeze without a change of shirt.
I think you are missing my point. I have done the walk, and similar ones, MANY times and have always done so with total respect. I detest those who disrespect the area and those who live there. I gave a real bollocking to a lad last year who decided to pee in someones lovely back garden near Horton station. I totally side with the locals who have to endure this. The ones I don't side with are the NIMBYs who think the area solely belongs to them and those who live there. They are the ones who will be moaning when vistor numbers fall to zero and income to the area reduces. If I can use an analogy of an old pub near me. New owners made a real effort with it, especially the outdoor area and beer garden. Noise travels in summer, and nearby residents didn't like that (the homes they live in have been there a fraction of the time that the pub has). They got their way; the beer garden was no longer allowed music, in time the custom went elsewhere, and the pub closed - a fate that has befallen too many. Once boarded up, and vandalised, guess what the residents are moaning about now? Anyways, I can promise you I have always loved and respected your area. I sincerely hope you didn't think otherwise.