Bloody hell I didn't know Crooky had made it all the way up to Head - he was one of my PE teachers 15 years ago.
Couple of years below me but we used to walk home the same way. Can't remember who was head of Geography at that time, might've been McBain
My mate was probably not head then, just a newly qualified teacher. Jose Garcia. He might have joined just after you left, though not sure.
Been a busy few days, lot of the staff involved in this....including Crooky and Jose
Brilliant bloke. Been one of my best mates since Uni. The first couple of times I met him we were in a loud club so I was convinced that he was called Dave. I actually thought he was on a wind up when he told me in a broad Preston accent that his name was Jose!
Whereabouts you from mate? You can see Stonesy's parents house from where I live. Seem to remember he was mates with the Landlady's lad from the local pub.
Every time there is a critical item on a news programme, a "Government spokesperson" comes out with a response quoting a seemingly large amount of money being spent addressing the issue. What is never said is whether this amount, however large, is enough to make a real difference. In relation to the covid recovery programme in schools, I heard it said that it works out to all of £50 per pupil. Surely we deserve more than bland statements saying " we are spending £X million on this" without any context of the difference that it makes. Rant over.
Thurlstone. I can't remember where he used to live in the village, but remember seeing him walking home. Didn't know him at all bar playing football a few times, can't even say he stood out particularly! Although he was probably only putting about 10% effort in...
I haven't lived there for 11 years but Huntsman was always my favourite pub, fantastic beer and atmosphere, proper country pub. Although I'm reliably informed that the Crystal now has its own little brewery and the output has gone down very well