Was a lot of things...including murderer Years of dishing out domestic abuse, years of terrifying women, especially Veronica Bennett May he rot in hell the pathetic tripehound The world is well rid of him
He frightened John Lennon when they were making Lennon's Rock & Roll album...Spector threatened Lennon with a gun, actually firing it close to him in the room. Lennon brassed it out and took the next plane home.
in 1974 he was seriously injured when he was thrown through the windshield of his car in a crash in Hollywood..According to a contemporary report Spector was almost killed, and it was only because the attending police officer detected a faint pulse that Spector was not declared dead at the scene. He was admitted to hospital on the night of March 31, 1974, suffering serious head injuries that required several hours of surgery, with over 300 stitches to his face and more than 400 to the back of his head.His head injuries, were the reason that Spector began his habit of wearing outlandish wigs in later years. we had a Christmas album of his,was really good on tape so long gone, thought he was dead already, just googled him,found the above about him, maybe the brain injuries changed him, who knows, everything is so black and white in this world nowadays,no one wants to know a reason why people are what they are,Lordtyke seems an expert on him, so bow to his greater knowledge, not someone I ever thought much about Mr Spector, just a name on a tape box cover,so his passing none of my concern, no RIP incase he was just a wrong un from birth,all this nurture or nature comes into play, are you just a wrong un or can life events lead you that way ?
He was abusing his wife long before the accident. I believe she'd actually left him by then. He produced some wonderful music that I still listen to because I'm not going to dismiss the life work of some artists just because of the nature of the producer. But he was a despicable person and it could not be more black and white.
Strangely he claimed that his dad blew his own head off when Spector was just 6 but he actually gassed himself when Spector was 9 or 10. Troubled mind doesn't tell half the story !
He produced for the Beatles and Mccartney didn't like him ruining the recordings. He only agreed to finish off Let It Be if Spector left alone "The long and winding Road".
Saw the Ronettes just before Christmas 2019 in Hammersmith. Ronnie Spector's still got it , she was fantastic. Unfortunately her sister and a fellow Ronette passed away a few years ago, she had 2 younger girls singing the backing stuff. Living legend. I'm not sure why she didn't change her name after the divorce.
Same reason Tina Turner is still Tina Turner, the name made her famous and makes her money. Ike Turner and Phil Spector took a lot from their wives, they didn’t also have the right to take their known/stage names and future success. Good on them. As for Phil Spector, the more you read about him the more you realise he was a despicable, violent bully.
I think it’s where do you draw the line between clinical mental illness & total c*ntness. & can we separate the man from the art? The Agony & Ecstasy film is on YouTube & well worth a watch..
I wouldn't jump through hoops to defend Peter Sutcliffe simply because he was a decent lorry driver. Anyone conveniently ignoring what Spector did simply to justify his musical creativity is using the same argument. Horrible man.