Not the singer. Apparently happening today. Boris trying to get people to talk about something else. Get your vaccine passport ready for the West Brom game.
I think that the British public, rightly or wrongly, may well rebel at this given the double standards set by Johnson and his govt
Then when the **** hits the fan, the PM and his cronies will blame us for it. Tossing the coin again and shouting heads and tails. Some folk will buy it, rinse and repeat.
All for a variant that's like the common cold, nobody has died from and people don't even need the hospital for. All to try and take the headlines away from what they did last Christmas. It's a disgrace.
We still don't 100% know what the variant is. At the minute it looks manageable but until the science is confirmed let's not rush to judgement.
As you're making the same point as in the other thread, I'll repeat what I said as well. No-one can say that. There's only a relatively small number of cases that are getting genomically sequenced and few infections are advanced enough to have got to that stage yet. We also couldn't be more different demographically than South Africa, which is the country with the most data. Plan B should have been this winter's Plan A for the Delta variant anyway.
Even if Omicron creates less serious illness it's increased transmissibility could easily create significant problems. Having said that - this government are a disgrace.
If I was a cynic I may suspect an attempt to distract from last years Xmas party and the doggie rescue priority in Afghanistan
45th anniversary just passed. Sid can't promote it. Never mind the ******** here's the government. God save the Queen.
Right call. We need a six month lockdown to get a grip of Omicron. Mandatory boosters for all. I back Boris.
I'm still trying to work out how a vaccine passport is going to prevent me catching omricon . Will it check my status first before deciding whether to infect me or not ?
May aswel get a bunch of piss heads from our locals to make a plan for us all. Probably make more sense than boris