Most people living in the Barnsley area have close access to open land. It's one of the best things about the town. This isn't true of other places. I used to live in Bradford and you could walk for miles in any direction and still be nowhere near anything like an open space. I don't understand the reasoning behind stopping people from getting in a car to go to a place to walk. If everyone simply walked directly from their front door it would be crowded. It stands to reason, we live in towns and villages where other people are. Getting in the car to go for a walk has always been a thing because you go there to get away from people. If you know a place that's always quiet, I don't understand how driving to that place and walking is worse than simply walking from your front door. If I walked directly from my door I would encounter far, far more people and be much more likely to spread the virus if I had it. Not that I do walking like, in the car or otherwise. Unless it's to the pub, but those have shut.
Problem is that certain places are getting swamped and it is negating the whole point of lockdown. If people could avoid flocking to the same place then it'd be fine, but it isn't a bank holiday like some people are treating it.
I believe there's a few reasons, although I don't necessarily agree with them. One is that if you had an accident or breakdown while driving, you could possibly endanger members of the emergency or breakdown services. I have friends who work for mountain rescue and they don't want people walking out on the moors etc in case they need rescuing. Also, if people drive somewhere for a walk, they would tend to gravitate to local beauty spots, which would then fill up. This actually happened in the first weekend of the new regulations. These points are a bit tenuous though, and as you say it could get more crowded if everyone just marched out of their front door.
how could that ever be policed though, everyone goes to the nice spots. Just stay at home, dont drive anywhere unless absolutely necessary and go for a walk up the street
Agreed, the work one got me “If you can’t work from home on you go....” how about if you can’t work from home don’t bloody go to work! those tube trains in london were a joke but that’s for another thread
Limited Tube service leading to packed carriages . Decided by a Labour Mayor . Political decision ? That joke you mean .
yes that joke. I don’t really give a fu*k about any political point scoring you are trying to make. Between the government, TFL and the mayor of London they got it wrong. People were also told to go to work in conservative controlled areas too you know. However point scoring here just makes you look a bit of a knobhead to be fair.
What difference does it make if you drive there ,you are in the car by yourself then when you get there you are walking on your own. When I say drive there I mean no more than 2 miles.
Even Boris Johnson didn’t take a shot at the Mayor of London when given an easy chance with a very loaded question from another Conservative MP - so I don’t know you have to.
Elderly neighbour asked me to take some food to his young niece who lives off Doncaster Road - she's disabled and can't get out. On my drive home police stopped me on Dodworth Road (near physiotherapist place.) Had to explain why I was 'out and about' and I was told I shouldn't have been 'out and about.'