Did anybody see any round town? We parked in courthouse and didn't see any on our walk to and from the ground. So, they clearly don't need many to "police" a game where there are approx 10k fans but can't manage the Horsham game with probably half that amount in attendance. Do Horsham have some massive firm that we don't know about? Can be the only explanation for needing the whole of syp to oversee our game.
Think it was in 1984 when we played at Hillsborough, and Birmingham were at Bramall Lane on the same day. Both FA Cup ties. Rotherham were also at home too. How times change!
Nothing about the decision to move the game to a Friday makes sense, I doubt there will even be any police at the game
I don't get why the club or arena or whatever event is taking place have to pay for the police to be there. Surely they are civil servants and its their job to be there
I'm in Lisbon that weekend, so would not be there any way from Thursday to Tuesday. It seems a bizarre decision. My dim view on SYP goes back to the 80's & I've yet to see any of their actions change that.
Rotherham, Sheff Utd and Donny are at home on the Saturday so perhaps that had some influence on the SYP decision. Sorry if already mentioned
Remember that Doncaster is also a cup match, against a higher league opponent that will require more policing. It's also a closer game and much easier to rearrange without penalising the participants too much.
On xmas leave already. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=21uWMUXmH0A&ved=2ahUKEwja3O3CvJOCAxWaWkEAHa_UCQoQuAJ6BAhLEAE&usg=AOvVaw13ybUthLM3875q0ug1DdpG