I had the same thought earlier. I live in S72. I think we had some today, but it's been a while. We went 3 weeks without any a couple of month ago, think that was because there was a covid outbreak at the sorting office.
This is just it, we were same re covid outbreak but as far as I know the P.O. hasn't had another outbreak, just a bit strange.
If you’re talking addressed letters (bank statements etc.) then it’s worth knowing that letter volumes are massively down year-on-year - and that’s on top of an ever declining figure. A number of businesses haven’t been operating for a few months so the ad-hoc bits of mail from smaller businesses won’t be going out either. The obligation to deliver to all addresses 6 days a week still very much exists, but the volume just isn’t there right now. You should still expect a delivery every couple of days or so, but if there’s only a few people in the house it wouldn’t be unusual for it to be even longer.
add the fact that royal mail can fail areas without penalty now, usually get heavy fines, ours fail duties on a daily basis now, saves them money!
basically at ours, if you don't work your day off that week, it may get left in, and if regular guy is on annual leave it may go 2 days, letters take priority over standard parcels which can be left for days royal mail is fecked and get prepared for an even worse service
When I left Royal Mail three years ago it was stretched beyond its limits trying to provide a universal six day service. New estates mail was getting left in the office for weeks til residents eventually kicked up a fuss. From what I hear now it's far worse and certain areas are being left in the office day after day. I've never worked in a business as badly funded and badly managed in my life. Absolute shambles.
I honestly can’t remember the last time anything worthwhile dropped through my letterbox. The postie may just as well pick litter up and shove it through letterboxes as it generally goes straight in the bin anyway, once received.
the uso will be kicked into touch very soon, around 15k jobs lost, actual letter deliveries will end up every other day anyway, and only premium parcels will be done daily and from oct we will also be required to collect returns of unwanted parcels from customers, this despite not enough vans and folk using own cars or buses!
As a business customer I have to agree with both of you about how badly run royal mail is (in the area u see anyway). Absolutely **** loads of money wasted every day and managerial decisions that rival Nigel spackman's
Anything that those in power want to be sold off/ shut of will ultimately be run down. and you think it's bad now, wait while is Royal "must make millions in profit, cut all the corners and sod those in remote areas" Mail
Cheers for the replies, we're missing quite a few post items & a couple of monetary value plus some prescription mail.
Over the last 2 months I've sent 2 letters to DVLA trying to register a motorhome, I rang them last week and they have no record of any correspondence. It's possible they are sat in an in-tray somewhere at DVLA or stuck in a post office sorting room....