interestingly over 100 economists both agreed with it and printed a letter of support in the Guardian but aye I’m sure you know best
He lied to get elected. I get you don’t mind that but others do. While he is leader I won’t vote for him and will actively campaign against Labour.
Starmer sacking someone supporting workers. Tells you all you need to know about who’s side it’s on and it isn’t working people. Scab
He's been giving interviews to media throughout the day without authorisation. It's hardly a surprise he's been relieved of his duties.
Shadow transport Secretary gives interviews about transport not exactly news. Hopefully the TSSA will now withdraw funding as they have been looking for a reason. Labour was started by trade unions as their political arm and are not fit for purpose.
He's a minister, not the secretary, that's Louise Haigh. He gave interviews without authorisation. That's always going to be a sacking. Maybe even in the tory party too.
Sorry my language. Do you think at any point in Labour history pre Starmer that a Labour Mp would be sacked for supporting striking workers. A dark day in Labour history.
That would be Louise Haigh, who wasn't involved in making up policy on the hoof in televised interviews.
Sam Tarry helped run Jeremy Corbyns leadership campaign ,that’s why he’s been sacked and the other Shadow Ministers who appeared on picket lines at the last strike were not . He only appointed him as the token lefty in the first place
I don't care how many economists said this. It is economically and legally naive, and will never come to pass.
So Tarry is a Corbyn apologist. It seems quite clear he was trying it on. Instead of hiding under Labour's skirts, why don't they form their own party and see how popular their views are?
What is interesting is that the Telegraph online says he is in a relationship with Angela Rayner. Popcorn at the ready!
His selection as Parliamentary candidate in 2019 was a stitch up (his main opponent was conveniently suspended from the party just prior to the vote, accused of sexual harrassment for which he was subsequently cleared). Under the new re-selection rules he's just been triggered, so has to go through a new selection process to retain his position as the PPC for the next election. It comes across very much as a deliberate attempt to make himself something of a martyr of the left. Worth noting too that being on the picket line isn't the reason he lost his post. He's broken collective responsibility by doing unauthorised interviews, and suffered the consequences, as he knew would be the case, One interesting twist is that he was/is in a relationship with Angela Rayner. She was presumably involved at some level in the decision-making process, as Deputy Leader.
Is the Angela Rayner affair allegation factual or just a made up story by Mail/ Telegraph . Starmer doesn’t follow his own selection rules as we know in Wakefield