I see Nudge is trying to be more in tune with the younger generation by using slang words. Unfortunately that’s where it ends though because he also brings his 1950s rationale with him in regards to see people of a different ethnicity on the tele.
It’s not the case, his dad literally said that he is racist and proud of it so, no, he’s not going to be inviting them in for a cup of tea. You don’t need to make excuses for people who know what they are and are proud of it. They neither want nor deserve them.
Oh Nudge. the Christian church has enough on having had to apologise for knowingly shielding paedophiles for decades without you blaming them for racism too. People don’t need Newsnight to tell them that when their parents say racist stuff it makes them racists.
Come on then nudgling, where are you getting 99.999% from? And what crack-induced world are you are living in, where a fictitious family from an advert are going round the country knocking on people’s doors, asking for a cup of tea and a sit down? P.S. your wind ups are $hit.
As for the BBS - there are as many that have left the BBS because they have been subjected to personal abuse - than what actually post on there now. I think what’s happening is that there has been a push by the powers that be in the media to stamp an ethnic and sexual orientation mix on the general population. We see this on things like panel games and sport commentaries. Now I can’t see many people resenting others from a different background - but what I can see and hear from people is a resentment that seems to be generated through the perception that the media is trying to force feed this to the general public. And this is especially so from people of the older generations. As for being a Christian country. I didn’t mention practicing Christians. But if you don’t think this is a Christian country then you need to watch BBCs coverage of Remembrance Day.
Well I'm shocked that the bloke who thinks "p*ki" and "negro" are fine would seek to downplay racism issues. Shocked I tell you.
What on earth has remembrance day got to do with it? The UK now is Christian only in as much as it says C of E on most of our birth certificates. I was baptised. I'm an atheist. I think you're confusing Christian with tolerant secularism. Pitch up at your local church on Sunday and see how Christian we are. As I said...six percent practising Christians. Sitting down to Christmas dinner and watching the remembrance service on the telly doesn't make you religious. I'd hazard a guess that the black population of the UK are actually far more Christian percentage wise than the white population.
Likewise: RC congregations grew hugely due to the influx of Eastern European’s, and in Doncaster there’s a Christian church that conducts services in Chinese, with an entirely Chinese congregation.
I was going to make the point of your last paragraph but only have anecdotal evidence such as the church local to me has a large black congregation. There’s also a Polish church nearby too.
Pipe down man. If you have anything useful interesting or relevant to contribute then you fill your boots. In the mean time if you have nothing nice to write then keep schtum or write on tykesmad with your 11 other mates.