Felt sorry for that young Barnsley fan that rang in. He was very short with them even though the adults before and after weren't nearly so coherent!
If by that you mean, The Sheffield clubs rightly get some sort of preferential treatment, it’s wrong. They are based in Sheffield but licensed to represent South Yorkshire and North -East Derbyshire.
I stopped listening to it after the way Radio Sheffield conducted itself following the Morgan/Hume elbow incident. Basically telling Barnsley fans to move on from it as the topic had been discussed to death.
I I got banned for a airing my views about Winnalls departure and how it happened. My number is now blocked.
It’s not a view it’s the BBC license catchment. They are not licensed to ‘favour’ Sheffield over any other town/city in their catchment area so in that respect it isn’t ‘what it says on the tin’ What their actual coverage is can be your view or anybody else’s for that matter.
Radio Sheffield (and all other local BBC stations named after a city) should be renamed to reflect their actual catchment area, eg Radio South Yorkshire. At the moment their obvious big city bias, subconscious or not, is justified by people simply citing the name
It’s funny again tonight. Excuse after excuse coming from our Sheffield friends. Mardy Owl the best so far saying us and Rotherham fans happier when they lose rather than when we win. A classic call.