About 10 years ago in Manchester Airport engrossed in a book whilst sat waiting for a delayed flight home to Portugal I heard a voice ask is this seat taken son...on looking up it was Frank himself stood there...no I replied adding all yours Mr Worthington ....a puzzled look followed by a huge smile appeared on his face...do I know you he asked...as he sat down.... No not at all I replied but it would be my pleasure if l could shake your hand and say thank you very much for the joy you brought when I was a kid whilst watching you play football ...some of your goals were absolutely pure class i continued..both my father and myself have discussed those days in depth many a time Wow replied Frank thats wonderful to hear thankyou ...and took my open hand and shook it...from there a conversation struck up between us frank suggesting we should retire to the bar...for a drink as it turned out both our flights were delayed...so off we went to the bar Frank somewhat taken aback in a pleasant way that someone had not only recognized him but had remembered him playing I had a wonderful hour in his company before parting..... him for his flight to Malaga me...Lisbon....wonderful interesting fella a pleasure to chat with... .RIP....Mr Frank Worthington.... a gent