so I see that our clown government have decided to scrap decades of history and replace the GB stickers with ones that say UK (other links to the tabloid press available) This still hasn't been announced and was never discussed in parliament but takes effect in just a couple of months time. its only because the AA noticed this hidden away in a document to the UN that its even in the press now its not gesture politics to make Norther Ireland feel loved rather than not screwing them in the first place absolutely not! Still it will go down a storm with all those who already bough new number plates or GB stickers Hardly fits well with going back to blue passports and needing green cards and international driving permits just seems a stupid waste of effort and money to me
Other half was talking about that this morning. Apparently the Mail comments section is in meltdown. She's not a Mail reader by the way but the colossal ignorance on there about all matters Ireland occasionally causes her to comment or put people straight. Maybe they'll supply the new UK stickers with little plastic union jacks on sticks to put on your car windows?
One of my earliest memories is an 'Ecosse' sticker on one of my Grandad's VW Camper vans and I don't think he ever visited France
I’ve got a license that allows me to drive in Europe, anywhere I want, any time I want for as long as I want,,,,,, oh, hold on a minute