I've never played a competitive game for Barnsley. If I'd ever turned up for training I'm sure that would still be the case. Are you telling me we could do worse if I'm in the team at the start of next season?
I trust those who have seen him and decided he wasn't good enough. Of course they make mistakes but Blackpool have made the same decision so you sort of see a theme emerging. Anyway what makes you think he was good enough. What did you see that nobody at BFC or Blackpool saw?
As a supporter I don't blindly follow what the clubs decide. Wednesday didn't fancy Eric Cantona, Chelsea offloaded Mo Salah, We didn't give Stevie Mallan a good run of games last season. All were major howlers. You can't judge a player either way without seeing them play or looking at their stats. Neither were possible with Sessi
Like I said, Blackpool reached the same conclusion. Based solely on some of your recent posts I think I will trust the judgement of professional coaches.
Professional coaches get it wrong countless times. From where we are standing Sessi is un-judgeable it is as simple as that
You judged him, you said we could do a lot worse. How do you know? He may be the worst football player on the planet.
Have you been down Peel square for some spice? You recommend the likes of akinfenwa then think you’re more knowledgeable than multiple sets of coaching staff. Christ
As far as I'm aware Trevor Francis wanted to sign Cantona for Wednesday, but they couldn't afford his wages, having only recently been promoted. No Premier League windfalls in those days.
I thought it was something to do with Wednesday wanting cantona to have a trail first or to extend his trial and he refused. Either way ....... was wednesdays loss
yes maybe they have. Fiorentina & Chelsea thought Mo Salah was surplus to requirements and how right they were aye
And multiple sets of coaching staff have been proved wrong again, again & again. I suppose you'd rather someone with an exotic name than a seasoned lower league striker who is a great leader and a top target man
Cantona, Salah and Mallan - the holy trinity. This thread is about Sessi D'Almeida, not someone called Herbert.