In the Championship there are teams with arguably more skilful players than Barnsley. Yet we have beat many of these 'well heeled' opponents. This has got me thinking about the ethos of the Club. Some years ago there was a sign over the door of the home changing room (most clubs have them). I think it was put there by Mark Robbins. It read " Hard work overcomes skill, when skill doesn't work hard". I seem to remember that Hill & Flitcroft had it taken down. It is refreshing that VI seems to have resurrected and instilled this philosophy into the current team. And I'm pleased to say there is a fair bit of skill in there to boot.
I liked Mark Robins he had a steel about him and the side did too. Biggest ball ack the club dropped in recent times sticking him on gardening leave. I don't think he was far off.
Isn’t our current plan to develop and nurture the ‘skilled younger players’ so the skill factor will always be there.
Skill without hard work and application never works. I can think of a few very skillful players we've had that lacked the hard work....
Yes it is but the ‘Geggenpresse’ style we play requires high levels of fitness and hard work to be effective. Also the skill level of the kids we’re nurturing is yet to be developed to the level of players at the likes of Norwich, Watford, Brentford etc. That’s reflected in the average age of our squad and why we have the youngest squad in the Championship.
Top bloke Mark Robbins, honest and principled. He was also a ‘nice guy’, but that doesn’t count for much in the modern game.