Poor sausage doesn’t have a knighthood.. https://www.theguardian.com/footbal...3OVrfB1U3g9jlf_WteSRoGVA#Echobox=1672838603-1
Well this will surprise a few on here , seen as I am Tommy Robinson Apprentice as described by some wankstain on here recently, but I agree with him entirely . It is not right at all. He’s made some strange comments and he’s played the racist card once or twice, but his footballing success should be acknowledged
Well to help you, here's the post in question. Two apprentice Tommy Robinsons making some colossal leaps there. Hope they have good lawyers! Don't think I'd be taking too many lessons from such a grubby TV channel! Care to explain how in any way that refers to you? I won't embarrass you by asking you to explain the abuse that follows in your above post.
I’m talking about the times he mentioned that he doesn’t get jobs because he’s black and how the FA was and still is institutionally racist . That’s why maybe he does not get the nod . I’m not saying he’s wrong either. I quite like the bloke .
He is right even if he's a bit over the top with his icon statement. When Steve Houghton can get a knighthood for doing his job (not that well according to some) and Trevor Brooking can get a knighthood for achieving next to nothing then Campbell at least deserves an MBE. He's probably never going to get an honour now he's asked for one.
The fact that he’s brought it up frequently and upset a few of the establishment and more likely he’s not a “yes “ man, is the only reason he’s got nowt so far
Tbf I can't disagree with him. Great, great player - also done a lot of good in the world. Terrible manager like.
Maybe he can have one of the 'honours' that are no longer used by Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris or Jimmy Savile?
To get an honour dont you have to be nominated by others? Shall we compare him to Kevin Sinfield. ill leave it there.
I apologise then, I misunderstood your post. I've no doubt there's institutionalised racism within the FA, and certainly some black coaches have been overlooked because of their skin colour (Campbell included no doubt). I think he toes the line between confidence and arrogance to be honest.
Kev has received both MBE and OBE. As much as he should be knighted he's at least been recognised in the past. Campbell should be awarded MBE for his services to football and his charity work but his arrogance has prevented it happening.
Can't be doing with anyone moaning about not being recognised. You should do things for yourself and to help others, not with a view to receiving a ******* medal or title for it.