On the back of "Fired's" Dreams thread has anyone had a Ghostly /Unexplained experience....I was drving on a road with no turn offs when a car apppeared behind me. I looked forward then in my rear mirror again... No car...but there was nowhere to go..???
Only yesterday in fact. I was jogging on a split path, half for walkers and half for cyclists. I was about to overtake another jogger meaning I'd have to go on the cycle section for about 3 seconds. I looked behind me to make sure no cyclists were about, then stepped out to overtake. Some absolute weapon on a bike then appeared quite literally out of nowhere (hiding in the trees? Apparated from another dimension? Dunno), went between me and the other runner rather than using the still ample space on the cycle path, and had the cheek to shake his head. I called him a tw@t. <cue X-Files opening music>
Had a really spooky one a few months ago when taking the dog out; as I turned left out of the drive there was a grey haired woman in a jumper immediately to my right, she was walking towards me at a fair old lick and I’d gone left without looking right, so she was about to walk into me which would have been my fault so I half turned away and braced for impact. Nothing happened. When I looked up she wasn't there. My heart was racing and I was proper spooked. Also must have looked like Mick Mcarthy when I flinched as I thought she was about to bump into me. It was really strange and I can’t explain what I saw and why she wasnt there.
So you've seen a full bodied ghost. I'm a believer in full bodied ghosts being all around us without us knowing it. There used to be an old lady that used to turn up at the hospital to run a monthly seminar for a nursing charity. I always noticed her because she had a habit of turning up on the wrong day. Anyway me and one of the volunteers got talking and I mentioned she'd been to desk making light of it. The volunteer told me the seminars had finished and the lady had been dead six months.
I know this is very difficult to believe...but I once saw Maceo Rigters beat a man and have a shot on goal
Had one once, we were in Barnsley hospital with my nannan, she was given an hour to live, so we were all saying our goodbyes, then without explanation the hands on the clock on the wall started to spin (not fast, it wasn't like on a film) it eventually stopped after a while, but when the nurses came back nannan was showing signs of improvement, so they gave her longer, she continued to improve as the night wore on and after a short stay in hospital was eventually allowed home, we said at the time it was because my grandad wasn't ready for her as he'd not learnt to dance yet (she was a big dance in her younger days, where as my grandad had 2 left feet) an added twist was that my nannan passed away about 5 months later on the exact date my grandad had 12years before, it was like fate or something but was all very weird
I drove straight through something hovering just above the road between Silkstone Common and Dodworth. A great big thing. A UHO. An unidentified hovering object. A friend was with me in the car Friend (calmly) : Did you see that? Me (even more laid back, not wanting to be outdone) : Yeah, that's why I braked. Friend: You didn't hit it though, you went straight through it. Me: Certainly seemed that way .... Pause.... Friend: Looked like a ghost Me: Yup Friend: I don't believe in ghosts Me: Neither do I Friend: You wanna talk about it? Me: No. Do you? Friend: No Me: Good, let's go to pub.
I did the pots yesterday and when I came to empty the bowl there was neither a spoon, fork or knife left in the bottom.
When clock hands spin like that it’s when they are adjusting to the correct time. The ones at my school (and the one before) do it and it makes everyone jump every time. If a kid sees it who hasn’t seen it before they always end up screaming.
Really can’t explain it, expected her to bump into me so I turned away, lowered my head and braced for impact. Nothing. I must have looked weird when I did it cos there was no one there. Strange.
Last year, I was working in Swindon and staying in my usual hotel - the Jurys Inn. One night, I was asleep and was woken by someone walking across the room and getting in bed next to me. I was laid there half awake trying to work out if I was about to be murdered or it was my lucky night! After about five minutes I turned around and they had gone...
I'm not one for unexplained events, but in 2002 I attended my ex brother in laws stag do in Sheffield. The day after we caught up and he said he was sorry didn't get chance to properly speak with me during the night. I told him not to worry because of the amount of folk there. I told him I spoke with a lad around my age a few times during the evening. I couldn't remember his name, or if I'd actually asked him for it. I provided him a description of what he looked like and what we'd spoken about. The lad clearly knew him growing up and the family. At this point my ex bro in law went white and started to get emotional. He said that I'd described his cousin who died some years before. I thought he was pillocking me initially. I then remembered that when I speaking to him no one else was around and joined in the conversations. I spoke with him in 3 locations on the night out. I spoke 5-6 other lads who were out that night and not one of them could remember seeing anyone of that description. Weird, still freaks me out to this day but not in a scary way.
This happened many years ago, around 1998-ish. Anyway it was 2 am New Years Day and I was picking up my daughter who had been working at the Engineers pub in Higham. I didn't have anything to drink as I knew I'd be driving. Anyway we set off towards the motorway when I braked sharply and stopped. We both stared at a black figure of a man in a heavy cloak and hood crossing the road - but we could only see the top part of his body, the legs were shrouded in a blurry mist of some sort. He slowly crossed and disappeared into the gardens of the houses there. I looked at my daughter and said did you see what I saw - she was shaken but said yes. When we were home we talked and compared notes - we'd seen something neither of us could explain. We still talk about it now. I don't believe in "spirits" or whatever of dead people but I can't explain what happened that night. Very, very strange.