In mid Feb felt terrible – cough, sneezing tired etc. Tested for Covid for two weeks - all negative. Fully recovered about 10 days ago Then both my knees started aching. Bit weird so tested and was positive. Have now been positive for 10 days despite never feeling better in my life. Mrs Statis negative. What’s all that abart?
In February you had a bad cold. Now you've got Covid. Covid is serious for some people, but mild for others. Your Mrs is probably immune from previous exposure.
Credit card statement came through, higher than normal, Mrs blames covid related memory loss spending, didn’t realise there was such a thing…I’m probably going to be staying in the pub longer than normal due to covid related memory loss drinking…bet she didn’t realise there was such a thing.
My wife is back at work having had 2 negative tests yesterday and today. When she was positive she was basically fine, a bit off but offered to work from home etc as she could function well enough whilst isolating. She’s messaged me just now saying how rotten she feels, far worse than when she actually had COVID. She’ll battle on and it’s nothing horrendous in the grand scheme of things though. I guess loads of different strains of COVID (and other stuff) attacking loads of different immune systems leads to an almost infinite number of reactions and symptoms. In other news I’ve copped for it now! Nothing too shocking though just tired and an irritating cough.
Glad to hear that people aren't suffering too much. I'm hoping to hear good news tomorrow but don't want to put the mockers on it. I tested positive for about 10-11 days and aside from being a bit tired, for me, it basically manifest as a minor head cold. But it does seem to be different from one person to the next.
I've just had it. Had runny nose and stuffed up nose at the same time, not a lot of coughing though. Now it's gone I had a massive headache for a day and now i've got a phlegmy cough and sore sinuses. No loss of taste or smell during or after.
I had a seriously bad headache for a month, after a week of covid. Which itself was just a mild 'flu-like' period for me.
I was awfully ill (Although feel bad writing that I wasn't hospital ill) but I was laid up for a week or so with massive headaches, stiff painful joints, terrible cough and 6 months later still not got my smell and taste back. That being said I did have the proper covid, not the baby one going about these days.