I appreciate the sarcasm, but my point remains the same. Perhaps he knew other, possibly better players, who were not interested based upon the money on offer. He is also not the first manager we’ve had that appeared to favour certain players over those that our knowledgeable fans rated more highly (apologies for the sarcasm).
I wouldn’t be convinced that all the Austrian’s are players Struber’s specifically targeted. We’d already signed Knasmullner & Schmidt from that league & obviously picked Struber up from there too so the players may have already been on our radar. As a poster above has said they may not have been his first choices but were the players within our wage budget. Regardless if you look at last summers signings, Wilks, Thomas, Anderson, Diaby etc it was clear that we needed to do something different. Rarely do you get a good player straight away unless you pay good wages, most of the time our good players are poor or at least inconsistent when first signed on low wages & we develop them. Yes Frieser looks poor but Chaplin looked just as bad after his first few games & Anderson & Diaby looked terrible. He needs time & games.
I think it’s a fairly decent guess that the ex Wolfsberger players are his signings. As was Ludewig (who he had worked with before). I’m led to believe Frieser wasn’t a spreadsheet signing either.
Non of you will get inside Oakwell this season anyway, if you wanna make a point, a real point, ask for a refund on your season ticket.
People seem to forget the money they must have lost on likes of Wilks, by backing the Manager and clearing him out. I’d be surprised if we recouped our money on him
The board is collectivley worth 7bn, if they have a problem with you asking quite legitimatley for your money back, then we really are in dodgepot owner territory.
These owners are laughing at you, they ‘gave’ you your fanzone that they rely on fans volunteering to run it to make yet more profit for them. Those who buy into, sorry, volunteer into helping these owners achieve their profit, of which non of it will go back into the club, need to stop it. Your adding to the problem.
We keep our own takings in the FanZone. We’ve always kept our revenue. It’s what has allowed us to support so many local charities and causes in the last five years.
What happened to the profit from last season? Did it go to local charities or get saved for improvements to the fanzone? Or a combination of both?
Back in to the coffers paying for the FanZone ongoing basically. More complex than that really, but we lost what would have been our busiest games by far. That March to May period would have gone towards building funds after the significant outlay.
bit out of line IMO. the fanzone do a brilliant job, and as far as I'm aware the club don't take a penny from them. there's obviously a reason why you've got such a beef with the club, which I'm guessing is related to dale tonge. it's a shame you can't tell anybody what it's all about, but I don't think having a pop at what the fanzone tries to do, is called for.
He’s also told everyone not to listen to anything ‘the club employee’ says because he’s being fed the lines and has been coerced in to posting on here to spread the club view. But in the same breath demands us to believe what he says, despite the lack of sources, the NDAs, and the fact that what he knows comes from someone with an axe to grind. Not a biased view point at all.
Maybe Cozzy, but also do you think our best 11 could have won that game?? Personally I don't and that's down to the board.