Have posted a few opinions that have resulted in some quite brutal responses. Causing me to dig further and say things just to object back, a little like a male 57 yr old version of Catherine Tate’s Lauren ( “am I bovered”. ) I absolutely respect anyone and everyone has a right to their opinions same as I do. Maybe I gloated, maybe others did and do ? I will never apologise for having an opinion, but wholeheartedly apologise to anyone who was offended by me in any way, believe it or not this was never my original intention. I have just watched a very interesting article on how the BBC for example edited the Trump comments about bleach and sunlight. In fact the question and answer was 25 minutes apart, then another 25 minutes to next part. The interesting facts were in between when scientists and “experts” presented facts about sunlight and the effect on virus and also how disinfectant kills it on HARD surfaces. Trump, and I’m no supporter by the way, did misunderstand the science about disinfectant and asked a question. The BBC edited the speech in such a way to totally influence people’s perception of what actually happened was that Trump was a fool who said drink bleach and sunbathe.. so back to first point, I still have opinions, I always will have, and will be more careful how I respond to others and also be more careful of interpretations of any and all news coverage. And as I’ve said before and will say again, best thing I can say right now is “Get Rammell on” Please stay safe all
Link to article mentioned above https://countrysquire.co.uk/2020/05/02/bbc-news-caught-red-handed/ watch the video on here Ps was linked via another article I was reading I don’t go searching “country squire”
US media were running the same story as the BBC , this article seems more biased against the BBC imo . If it were only the BBC then I might have found their story interesting but it isn’t its world wide so Trump must have done summat to court it .
To be fair to me, my reaction and response was based on what US media outlets said,not the BBC, whose news I never watch and don't trust. I have friends in the USA, who are frightened not only by the incompetent response of the US Federal government but by his encouragement to armed supporters. The response in the US to Trump,is not always positive,even from supportive media organisations like Fox.
Agree man is dangerous. Hates the press, so is fair game to all of them. Press from all sides seem to be the most dangerous thing
Thing is, he is the President of the United States of America, not Stan the pub bore. His performances are partly an election broadcast, he seems to promote anything as a cure in the hope of boosting his popularity.
Whilst I’d agree that the media now manipulate everything, in this instance I watched this particular one of Trump’s press conferences live. It was as bad as it has been portrayed. The man is a liability.
I'm no supporter of Trump Looking at his level of popularity roughly 46% approve of him 50% disapprove (4% 'don't know')
oops ….. to finish above post .. why are so many Americans approving of an incompetent president wo as you say is a liability?
Whether he said what he said at the start of the press conference or part way through doesn't make it any less daft.
I think man is as mad as a bag of frogs personally, but my take is he asked a stupid ridiculous question rather than say this or that works- leaves himself wide open to ridicule
Gullible. Self important republican gun toting extremist right wing pricks. That won’t admit they voted for a bigger *****.
Still worries me that he could think you could ingest disinfectant, no matter how it came about. It also worried me the way he started shouting fake news, you are a fake at the female journalist who had the temerity to ask a question.
Boll0x I appreciate he has the vocabulary of a 7 yr old, and it can be difficult to judge his intent, but there’s no way that wasn’t a stupid thing to say. and anyone excusing this sexist racist moron is frankly as bad as he is.
I watch the daily briefings from the White House every night. Other than when he doesn't do them, obviously. It's essential viewing as far as I'm concerned. I watch it via Youtube. I don't own a TV. I don't buy a newspaper. I don't subscribe to or read any news outlet on line. I form my own opinions based on information from source. I know what he said. I heard and watched him say it. Live. Or probably with a few seconds delay taking into account the technology we have. It was fk*cing imbecilic. It is not OK to vote in people with such limited intelligence to such powerful positions. It is not OK to try to defend their outlandish and dangerous claims. It is not OK to treat this as normal.
He’s making America great again. Like Boris in our nation, he’s great also. We are very fortunate to have such men as leaders. We must have a very intelligent population of minds to elect such men also. Very intelligent. It’s all great. Anything saying otherwise is fake.