Below are images from Mid Journey. None of them are real. All generated by user prompt (in this case me). A House in The Yorkshire Dales US Troops Fighting in Fallujah US Troops in Vietnamese jungle Vladimir Putin kissing a Russian sailor Rishi Sunak poses with a glass of Champagne in the latest edition of Tatler Magazine 1920s America during the Great Depression Boris Johnson - Ballet Sophia Loren as a punk Gordon Ramsey eating a burger Ethel (86) tries to keep warm during winter weather
I have a reply for this on two levels. It's disturbing how rapidly truth is becoming blurred and marginalised. We've reached the point where you can completely make something up and some people will believe it or use the same argument to deny an actual event happened in the face of plain evidence. On level two....Sophia Lofen as a punk.....holy crap she looks good!
"A house in Yorkshire Dales" is that a stream or path? These images/videos and music are a load of 5h1t3 that should be banned asap.
It's a path with water on it as far as I can see. Unfortunately, or otherwise there will be no banning. I think it's hard to actual determine the level of upset that this and intelligent AI like Chat GPT is going to have on the workd, other than to say it will be world changing in a way that made the internet look like a kids wooden toy. In the video I linked above, they spoke of teaching a chat bot English. At the end of the process it did just that. Unnervingly it also learned to speak Persian, despite not having being fed a single line of it. There's lots of instances of very odd things occurring which they simply have no idea how the AI learned it.
A path full of rocks? More like a stream partly dried up. Not sure about the door and windows through the chimley breast either. You can see stuff like this ending up as stock footage.
Paths do have rocks in them Good spot on the windows though. It's come on a long way in a short period of time, still struggles with legs, eyes, and hands though. It's amazing at illustration. Unfortunately for illustrators
The one of the American troops in the street looks like Wakey Westg't at chucking out time, on a Satdy night.
Those images are both scary and amazing. Did you pay subs for it, or did you manage to do that on a free trial?
David Bowie’s 1970 vision of a 'Saviour Machine' come true…. President Joe once had a dream The world held his hand, gave their pledge So he told them his scheme for a Saviour Machine They called it the Prayer, its answer was law Its logic stopped war, gave them food How they adored till it cried in its boredom Please don't believe in me, please disagree with me Life is too easy, a plague seems quite feasible now Or maybe a war, or I may kill you all Don't let me stay, don't let me stay My logic says burn so send me away Your minds are too green, I despise all I've seen You can't stake your lives on a Saviour Machine
The one with the bloke on his own looking depressed, was done in 2000 outside Wembley, and hes thinking "ohh if only Barnard hadn't missed that penalty!.".