Anyone else looking forward to seeing what little miss hard done by and her ginger puppet as got to say ?
The venn diagram of Brexit supporter, hating Meghan markle and shouting get up when someone takes the knee……
Eagerly awaiting to hear the truth about the horrible racist and detestable individuals within that inbred privileged family.
Why is it when someone has a different opinion to you, you instantly call them a brexiteer or a racist ? I couldn’t t give a toss if she was from kendray and she had BFC tattooed on her arse cheeks . She still is a nasty peice of work
Can we not talk about them. We should respect their privacy as they want privacy which is why they moved to America.
Well Ian when Scotland get their independence you will no longer as a country have anything to do with the Royals , its a win win for you .
What makes you think she is a nasty piece of work? I find it funny how she gets singled out for criticism for the apparently abhorrent offence of speaking her mind. Usually by the same people who consider the Queen beyond criticism despite her paying off her noncey son's accuser and a boatload of other actual issues.
Soon as she opens her mouth you can tell she’s lying . Years of listening to management have given me a 6th sense of bull ****
I would guess as with most family disputes blame could be apportioned to both sides in different degrees. Usually it starts small and builds through many minor slights and comments. Probably both sides are entitled, privileged bar stewards.
Couldnt give a monkeys to be honest For what its worth I think there are far worse people in the Royal Family than Megan and she has been treated badly almost certainly because her skin is not white enough, but she is no saint either - Id rather spend time with Megan and Harry than most ot the other royals if I had to (especailly as Zara isn't classed as a royal)
I think everyone should boycott Harry and Meghan’s show on Netflix, out of respect for their privacy.